The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Nursing Education (MSN) - Online Program

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The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Education  Online Program is designed for BSN-prepared registered nurses who have a passion for mentoring and teaching in traditional and non-traditional programs, and are interested in pursuing or advancing in a position in nursing education. Master of Science in Nursing Education graduates will be prepared to meet the needs of a diverse student population in a variety of roles in nursing education, including patient educator, as well as the educator role in clinical and academic settings.

Nurse Educator Specialty Outcomes

The student successfully completing the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Education will be able to:

  1. Utilize evidence in educational design, implementation, and evaluation of strategies for classroom and clinical teaching
  2. Synthesize knowledge from nursing science and learning theory to demonstrate leadership and innovation in teaching
  3. Employ instructional strategies that recognize the diverse learner
  4. Implement assessment and evaluation methods in a variety of learning environments
  5. Analyze the teaching, scholarship and service roles of the nurse educator

This program is 100% online.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program in nursing education, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN)
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.
  3. Successful completion of undergraduate statistics course
  4. A short essay including reason for seeking admission, anticipated personal gain, relevant preparation, and future professional plans
  5. Holding an unencumbered license as a Registered Nurse in their state of residence
  6. Cleared Criminal Background Check
  7. Evidence of current immunizations required by the Texas Department of Heath for students in health-related academic programs

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Graduate Programs

Each student will be assigned an advisor to assist in preparing the graduate program of study before or during their first semester in the program. Advisors will be available throughout the program for guidance. Students must complete all course work prior to graduation.

Students who have been suspended may apply for readmission into an M.S.N. program by the procedures outlined in the Academic Probation and Suspension section of the Graduate Catalog. Such applications will be considered on a case by case basis, and readmission will be granted at the discretion of the MSN program’s admissions committee.

Transfer courses from other graduate nursing programs will be evaluated on an individual basis for acceptance.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 21 Hours

NURS 6301Theoretical Foundations in Nursing


NURS 6302Research in Nursing


NURS 6304Advanced Pathophysiology in Nursing


NURS 6305Advanced Health Assessment


NURS 6306Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nursing


NURS 6308Nursing Informatics


NURS 6367Advanced Leadership, Policy and Population Health


Practice Courses - 12 Hours

NURS 6363Curriculum in Nursing


NURS 6364Roles and Strategies in the Delivery of Nursing Education


NURS 6365Evaluation in Nursing Education


NURS 6366Instructional Design and Online Teaching in Nursing


Capstone Requirement - 3 Hours

NURS 7395Advanced Practice Intervention Project for Nurse Educator


Total Credit Hours: 36