The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Electrical Engineering, Minor

Note: For a PDF version of the degree requirements for this program go to the Undergraduate Programs page on the UTRGV website.


Minor Requirements – 18 Hours (7 advanced minimum)

This minor is suitable for students who wish to have a general introduction to applications of electricity and electronics.

Electrical Engineering Core – 12 hours (4 advanced)


ELEE 2305Electric Circuits I


ELEE 2105Electric Circuits I Lab


ELEE 2330Digital Systems Engineering I


ELEE 2130Digital Systems Engineering I Lab


ELEE 3301Electronics I


ELEE 3101Electronics I Lab


Electrical Engineering Electives – 6 hours (3 advanced minimum)

Choose 6 hours of ELEE courses, of which at least 3 hours must be advanced.

Note: Students who take courses equivalent or similar to those in the elective engineering core (CMPE 2320, CMPE 2120, CMPE 2330, CMPE 2130, or CMPE 3403) as part of their major may not count them toward the minor. These students should instead take additional electrical engineering elective courses, to make a total of 18 hours, of which at least 7 hours must be advanced.