Core Curriculum Requirements – 42 Hours
Students must fulfill the Core Curriculum requirements. The courses listed below satisfy both degree requirements and Core Curriculum requirements.
Mathematics – 3 hours
Government/Political Science – 6 hours
Major Requirements – 37 Hours (27 advanced)
Gateway to Political Science – 6 hours
Choose 6 hours from:
May choose one:
Research Methods and Capstone Experience – 7 hours (3 advanced)
Subfield Requirements – 18 hours (18 advanced)
US. Government and Politics – 6 hours (6 advanced)
Choose 3 hours of Political Institutions and State/Local Politics courses from:
Note: POLS 4310, 4311, POLS 4312 may not be used to satisfy both U.S. Political Institutions & State/Local Politics requirement and a requirement for the Legal Studies minor if selected.
Note: POLS 4392, 4393, 4394, and 4395 combined may be taken no more than three times for credit, only two of which may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Choose 3 hours of U.S. Political Groups and Behavior courses from:
Note: POLS 4392, 4393, 4394, and 4395 combined may be taken no more than three times for credit, only two of which may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
World Politics – 6 hours (6 advanced)
Choose from:
Note: POLS 4392, 4393, 4394, and 4395 combined may be taken no more than three times for credit, only two of which may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Political Economy and Public Policy – 3 hours (3 advanced)
Choose from:
*POLS 4392, 4393, 4394, and 4395 combined may be taken no more than three times for credit, only two of which may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Political Theory – 3 hours (3 advanced)
Choose from:
POLS 4395: POLS 4392, 4393, 4394, and 4395 combined may be taken no more than three times for credit, only two of which may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Advanced Electives in Political Science – 6 hours (6 advanced)
Choose any course from the Advanced Political Science lists, or:
Note: POLS 3390 may be taken no more than twice for credit; topics must be different.
POLS 3391: Only 3 credit hours of POLS 3391 will be accepted to satisfy 3 of the 6 credit-hour requirement.
POLS 3392: Only 3 credit hours of POLS 3392 will be accepted to satisfy 3 of the 6 credit-hour requirement.
POLS 3393: Students may take 3 credit hours of POLS 3190 or POLS 3393 to satisfy 3 of the 6 credit-hour requirement.
Second Major Or Minor – 41 Hours (27 advanced)
Credit hours can be used to attain minor and/or second major in a different discipline. After earning enough credit hours for a minor and/or second major in a different discipline, students may choose Political Science Advanced Courses, or a second minor, or use as Advanced Electives in other disciplines.
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 54