ANTH 4385 | Topics in Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 4369 | Archeology of Mexico and Central America | 3 |
ARTS 3350 | Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTS 3356 | Mexican Viceregal Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTS 4352 | Latin American Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTS 4354 | Modern Mexican Art, 1785-1940 | 3 |
ARTS 4355 | Modern Mexican Art since 1940 | 3 |
ARTS 4352 | Latin American Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTS 4357 | Latin@ Art History | 3 |
ARTS 4358 | Research Methods in Latin American Art and Architectural History | 3 |
COMM 3336 | Media, Race, and Ethnicity | 3 |
DANC 2250 | Folklorico I | 2 |
DANC 2349 | Folklorico I | 3 |
DANC 3250 | Folklorico II | 2 |
DANC 3349 | Folklorico II | 3 |
DANC 4250 | Folklorico III | 2 |
DANC 4349 | Folklorico III | 3 |
DANC 1249 | Introduction to Folklorico I | 2 |
DANC 1250 | Introduction to Folklorico II | 2 |
ENGL 4318 | South Texas Literature | 3 |
GEOG 3333 | Latin American Geography | 3 |
HIST 3333 | Texas History | 3 |
HIST 3363 | Mexico from Pre-Conquest to the Present | 3 |
HIST 3361 | Colonial Latin America | 3 |
HIST 4321 | The Spanish Southwest to 1821 | 3 |
HIST 4322 | American Southwest and Borderlands after 1821 | 3 |
HIST 4362 | History of Mexican Culture | 3 |
HIST 4361 | Contemporary Mexico | 3 |
HIST 4363 | History of Mexican Cinema | 3 |
HIST 3364 | Mexico through Independence | 3 |
HIST 3365 | Mexico since Independence | 3 |
HIST 3362 | Modern Latin America | 3 |
HIST 4393 | Special Topics in Latin American History | 3 |
LAMS 2301 | Introduction to Inter-American Studies | 3 |
LAMS 3377 | Latin American Womanhood in the Modern Era | 3 |
LAMS 3378 | Women in Colonial Latin America | 3 |
LAMS 4301 | Seminar on Latin American Studies | 3 |
LAMS 4391 | Latin American Philosophy: Special Topics | 3 |
MCLL 2301 | Special Topics in Modern and Classical Literature | 3 |
PHIL 1305 | Introduction to Latin American Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 3365 | Chicana and Latin American Feminisms | 3 |
PHIL 4305/LAMS 4391 | Special Topics in Latin American Philosophy | 3 |
PSYC 4328/MASC 4328 | Psychological Issues in the Mexican-American Community | 3 |
POLS 4354 | Immigration, Race, and Citizenship | 3 |
POLS 4320 | Latin American Politics | 3 |
POLS 4321 | Central American and Caribbean Politics | 3 |
SOCI 4313 | Race and Ethnic Relations | 3 |
SOCI 4352 | Social Stratification | 3 |
SOCI 4380 | Social Protest and Social Movements | 3 |
SOCW 4370 | Mexican American Mental Health | 3 |
SPAN 1311 | Beginning Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 1312 | Beginning Spanish II | 3 |
SPAN 2313 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II | 3 |
SPAN 2315 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III | 3 |
SPAN 2317 | Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I | 3 |
SPAN 2318 | Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II | 3 |
SPAN 3300 | Advanced Spanish Grammar & Composition I | 3 |
SPAN 3301 | Advanced Spanish Grammar & Composition II | 3 |
SPAN 4320 | The Mexican Novel | 3 |
SPAN 3307 | Introduction to Latin American Literature | 3 |
SPAN 4318 | Spanish Language Media Studies | 3 |
SPAN 2320 | Latina/o Culture and Civilization in Spanish | 3 |
SPAN 2340 | Fundamentals of Hispanic Culture | 3 |
SPAN 3348 | Advanced Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II | 3 |
SPAN 4321 | Mexican Literature | 3 |
SPAN 4328 | Mexico's Contemporary Literature | 3 |
SPAN 4323 | Spanish American Novel | 3 |