Core Curriculum - 42 Hours
Students must fulfill the Core Curriculum requirements. The courses listed below satisfy both degree requirements and Core Curriculum requirements.
Mathematics – 3 hours
Life and Physical Sciences* – 6 hours
PHYS 2425 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers I | 4 |
PHYS 2426 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers II | 4 |
Note: *It is mandatory for students pursuing a BS in Physics to take face-to-face (onsite) lecture sections for PHYS 2425/2426.
Integrative and Experiential Learning – 6 hours
Note: Any additional course of at least 1 hour that satisfies the General Education Core “Integrative/Experiential Learning Option” requirement.
Major Requirements – 72 Hours (54 advanced minimum)
Physics Core Courses – 39 hours (39 advanced)
Choose one:
Capstone Course – 3 hours (3 advanced)
Mathematics – 12 hours (3 advanced)
Concentration – 18 hours (9 advanced minimum)
Choose one concentration:
Pure and Applied Physics Concentration – 18 hours (9 advanced)
Advanced Physics Electives – 9 hours (9 advanced)
Choose any advanced Physics courses.
Approved Science Electives – 9 hours
Science electives need to be accepted and approved to be suitable by the department chair of the physics department. Any courses with the prefix ASTR, BIOL, CSCI, CHEM, ELEE, ENGR, ENGT, ENST, ENVR, GEOG, GEOL, MARS, MATH, MECE, PHYS, or PSCI can be used for this requirement. PHYS 1401/1402 and PSCI 1421/1422 cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
Biophysics/Medical Physics Concentration – 18 hours (15 advanced)
Choose 18 hours from:
Note: Any of the above courses could be substituted with other advanced physics courses upon approval by the Department Chair.
Free Electives – 6 hours
Complete 6 hours of Free Electives
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 54