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The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Undergraduate Catalog
/ BIOL - Biology
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Programs of Study
Message from the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academic Calendar 2019 - 2020
UT System Board of Regents
UTRGV Administration
Undergraduate Admission Policies
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Undergraduate Degree Information
Core Curriculum
Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship
College of Education and P-16 Integration
College of Engineering And Computer Science
College of Fine Arts
College Of Health Professions
College of Liberal Arts
College of Sciences
School of Nursing
School of Social Work
Honors College
Glossary of Terms
Faculty Listing
ACCT - Accounting
ALAW - Applied Law
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARTS - Arts
ASLI - American Sign Lang
ASTR - Astronomy
BENG - Bioenginering
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BMED - Biomedical Science
BUSA - Business Administration
BUSI - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIVE - Civil Engineering
CLSC - Clinical Laboratory Sci
CMPE - Computer Engineering
COMD - Communication Disorders
COMM - Communications
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
DANC - Dance
ECEC - Early Care Early Childhd
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDBE - EducationBilingual Ed
EDCI - EdC and IElem and Sec
EDFR - Educ Foundations Research
EDSL - English as Second Lang
EDSM - Educ Secondary Middle Sch
EDTC - Educational Technology
EDUC - Education
ELEE - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENGT - Engineering Technology
ENST - Environmental Studies
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ENVR - Environmental Sciences
EPSY - Educational Psychology
EXAR - Expressive Arts
FILM - Film Studies
FINA - Finance
FORL - Foreign Language
FREN - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GSST - Global Security Studies
HIST - History
HIUT - Health Informatics
HLTH - Health
HONR - Honors Studies
HOST - Hosp and Tour
HPRS - Health Professions
HRPT - Health Related Programs
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INFS - Information Systems
INTB - International Business
INTS - Interdisciplinary
IPCP - Interprof Collab Practice
ITAL - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
KINE - Kinesiology
KORN - Korean
LAMS - Latin American Studies
LDST - Leadership Studies
MANE - Manufacturing Engineering
MARK - Marketing
MARS - Marine Science
MASC - Mexican American Studies
MATE - Mathematics Education
MATH - Math
MCLL - Mod Classical Lng and Lit
MECE - Mechanical Engineering
MEDH - Medical Humanities
MGMT - Management
MTML - Materials Mgmt and Logist
MUAP - MusicApplied
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
Narrative Courses
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PAFF - Public Affairs
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHAS - Physician Assistant Pgm
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSCI - Physical Science
PSYC - Psychology
QUMT - Quantitative Methods
READ - Reading
REHS - Rehabilitative Services
RELS - Religious Studies
ROTC - Military Science
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
STAT - Statistics
TECT - Technology Training
THTF - Theatre
TRSP - Spanish Translation
UNIV - University College
UTCH - UTeach
WRLS - Writing and Lang Studies
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BIOL - Biology
BIOL 1322
Human Nutrition
BIOL 1406
General Biology I
BIOL 1407
General Biology II
BIOL 1487
General Biology I (Honors)
BIOL 1488
General Biology II (Honors)
BIOL 2121
General Microbiology Lab
BIOL 2143
General Biology III Lab
BIOL 2201
Special Problems in Biology
BIOL 2310
Marine Processes and Ecosystem Dynamics
BIOL 2321
General Microbiology
BIOL 2343
General Biology III
BIOL 2401
Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2402
Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 2428
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
BIOL 3103
Genetics Lab
BIOL 3109
Ecology Lab
BIOL 3111
Mammalian Physiology Lab
BIOL 3112
Cell Biology Lab
BIOL 3114
Invertebrate Zoology Lab
BIOL 3301
Biological Evolution
BIOL 3303
BIOL 3309
BIOL 3310
BIOL 3311
Mammalian Physiology
BIOL 3312
Cell Biology
BIOL 3314
Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 3320
Marine Biogeochemistry
BIOL 3330
Functions and Modeling
BIOL 3345
Animal Nutrition
BIOL 3401
General Microbiology
BIOL 3403
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
BIOL 3404
Conservation Biology
BIOL 3405
BIOL 3406
Developmental Mechanisms
BIOL 3407
Comparative Embryology
BIOL 3408
Plant Morphology
BIOL 3409
BIOL 3411
Mammalian Physiology
BIOL 3412
Cell Biology
BIOL 3413
BIOL 3414
Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 3415
Molecular Biology
BIOL 3416
Coral Reef Ecology
BIOL 3420
Environmental Biology
BIOL 3430
Field Methods and Analysis in Marine Biology
BIOL 4102
Marine Zoology Lab
BIOL 4104
Ichthyology Lab
BIOL 4109
Herpetology Lab
BIOL 4120
Plant Anatomy Lab
BIOL 4127
Coastal Ecology Lab
BIOL 4132
Animal Behavior Lab
BIOL 4150
Ornithology Lab
BIOL 4170
Laboratory Topics in Biology
BIOL 4199
Research Problems in Biology
BIOL 4201
Biology Problems I
BIOL 4202
Biology Problems II
BIOL 4301
BIOL 4302
Marine Zoology
BIOL 4304
BIOL 4309
BIOL 4313
BIOL 4315
Inquiry-Based Science and Laboratory Techniques
BIOL 4316
Environmental Toxicology
BIOL 4317
Disease Epidemiology
BIOL 4318
BIOL 4319
Medical Entomology
BIOL 4321
Integrative Biology for Middle School Teachers
BIOL 4327
Coastal Ecology
BIOL 4330
Molecular Evolution
BIOL 4331
Integrative Biology for High School Teachers
BIOL 4332
Animal Behavior
BIOL 4333
BIOL 4350
BIOL 4361
Neuroscience I: Cellular and Molecular
BIOL 4362
Neuroscience II: System, Developmental, and Disorders
BIOL 4370
Special Topics II
BIOL 4387
Inquiry-Based Science (Honors)
BIOL 4388
Global Change Ecology
BIOL 4389
Geographical Information Systems in Biology
BIOL 4390
Biology Internship
BIOL 4392
Research Methods in the Science and Mathematics Classroom (UTeach)
BIOL 4398
Special Topics I
BIOL 4399
Research Problems in Biology
BIOL 4400
Biological Communication (Capstone)
BIOL 4401
Marine Biology Seminar
BIOL 4402
Marine Zoology
BIOL 4403
Introduction to Remote Sensing Technology
BIOL 4404
BIOL 4405
Plant Physiology
BIOL 4407
Animal Parasitology
BIOL 4408
Plant Pathology
BIOL 4409
BIOL 4410
Marine Botany
BIOL 4411
Ecological Physiology of Animals
BIOL 4412
BIOL 4413
General Virology
BIOL 4414
Plant Taxonomy
BIOL 4415
BIOL 4416
BIOL 4417
Bacterial Genetics
BIOL 4418
Electron Microscopy
BIOL 4419
Aquatic Entomology
BIOL 4420
Plant Anatomy
BIOL 4421
BIOL 4422
Neurobiology Methods
BIOL 4423
Wildlife Ecology and Management
BIOL 4424
Microbial Ecology
BIOL 4426
Marine Ecology
BIOL 4427
Marine Animal Field Studies
BIOL 4428
Medical Genomics
BIOL 4429
BIOL 4430
Coastal Ecology
BIOL 4432
Animal Behavior