The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Grading Policies

Grading System

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley uses a 4.0 system. The following grades are used to designate achievement in coursework. Their corresponding grade values and points for students in undergraduate programs are indicated below.

A Excellent (4 grade points per hour)
B Good (3 grade points per hour)
C Satisfactory (2 grade points per hour)
D Below Average (1 grade point per hour)
F Failure (0 grade points per hour)

The following grades may be used in undergraduate coursework, where allowed, and earn no grade points:

  • P (Passing)
  • NP (No Pass)
  • S (Satisfactory)
  • U (Unsatisfactory)
  • IP (In progress)
  • I (Incomplete)
  • CR (Credit)
  • NC (No Credit)
  • DR (Course dropped)
  • W (Withdrawal)
  • RA (Developmental-Pass)
  • RB (Developmental-Pass)
  • RC (Developmental-Pass)
  • RD (Developmental – No Pass)
  • RF (Developmental-No Pass)
  • RI (Developmental - Incomplete)
  • RP (Developmental – Pass
  • RNP (Developmental – No Pass).

Total Grade Point Average

The total grade point average (GPA) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is calculated on the basis of courses taken at the university and excludes transferred grades. Coursework transferred from the University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College for students enrolled at UTRGV prior to Fall 2017 will be included in the calculation of the total GPA.

Calculation of Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted. The total Grade Point Average is calculated using institutional coursework attempted. The current semester grade point average is calculated using only coursework attempted within a specific semester. Attempted hours are the total number of hours for courses that a student has attempted including failing grades such as F, DR and W. Grade points are assigned based on the grade received multiplied by the number of credit hours. For example, a grade of A is equivalent to four grade points.

An illustration of the method of calculation of the GPA follows:

Course No. Grade Hours Points Attempted Total Points
ENGL 1301 A 3 hrs. x 4 pts. per hr. = 12
MATH 1314 B 3 hrs. x 3 pt. per hr. = 9
HIST 1301 C 3 hrs. x 2 pts. per hr. = 6
BIOL 1406 D 4 hrs. x 1 pts. per hr. = 4
KINE 1233 F 2 hrs. x 0 pts. per hr. = 0
TOTAL 15 hrs. 31



To calculate the GPA for this example, divide the grade points by the attempted hours as follows:

  • 31 divided by 15 = 2.06

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete (I) grade is a temporary grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if:

  1. The student is passing the course to date;
  2. The student will not have completed the required coursework or exam within the allotted time of a regular semester or summer session; and
  3. The instructor determines that the reason for the work being incomplete is valid and that the grade of “I” is justified.

Incomplete grades are not to be awarded for students who failed to attend or stopped attending classes.

A written agreement between the student and the instructor specifying the work to be made up and the deadline for its accomplishment must be filed in the office of the Department Chair at the time that the “I” is submitted. The work agreed upon between the instructor and the student must be satisfactorily completed and the “I” changed no later than the end of the next regular (Fall or Spring) semester from the date the “I” was received (unless an extension is requested by the instructor) or the grade will convert to a failing grade unless the faculty member identifies an alternate grade to be assigned at the time of submitting the written agreement between the student and faculty member.

Faculty members wishing to assign an Incomplete grade may do so during the regular grading period via ASSIST, otherwise a grade of NR (Not Reported) may will be entered for the student. Grades of NR may have a negative impact on students’ eligibility for financial aid.

Credit by Examination

Students may receive credit by examination for some course requirements. For more information, see here.

Quality of Work

While a grade of D is considered passing in a subject, the student must maintain an overall average of a C, which corresponds to a 2.0 GPA, if the student expects to graduate.

In addition, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has certain specific grade requirements. For example, the student must make a C in College Algebra and required freshman English courses. The student must also have at least a C average in both the major and minor fields.

NOTE: Other specific requirements can be found in the program descriptions in other sections of the catalog, and overall requirements for a bachelor’s degree are listed on here of this catalog.

Repeated Courses

UTRGV undergraduate students who retake a class that is not designated as "repeatable for credit," will have the last grade and hours attempted used to calculate the grade point average. Repeated courses will be indicated on the student's transcript with an "E" (excluded). The policy for repeating courses applies only to undergraduate courses completed and repeated at UTRGV. Transfer courses will not be used to replace a grade earned at UTRGV for the purpose of raising a student's grade point average.

Grade Change

If an error in computation, evaluation or recording warrants a grade change, the instructor of record (IOR) may initiate a grade change form through the School Director/Department Chair, or College Dean. In the event that the IOR is no longer employed by the university, the academic dean will make a good faith effort to contact him or her before deciding whether to change the grade or not. In cases where a grade of NR (Not Reported) was administratively assigned to a student for a class, this same grade change process should be followed by the IOR or designee.

President’s List and Dean’s List

President’s List

After each fall and spring semester, a president’s list is generated listing the names of all undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of 12 college-level (non-developmental) hours who have a grade point average of 4.0 for courses taken that semester. The Office of the President notifies students who qualify for the President’s List via email notification to students’ campus email addresses. Certificates may be available from their office upon request from the student.

Dean’s List

After each fall and spring semester, a dean’s list is generated listing the names of all undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of 12 college-level (non-developmental) hours who have a grade point average of 3.5 or better for courses taken that semester. The Office of the Registrar notifies students who qualify for the Dean’s List via email notification to students’ campus email addresses.


Students may view their grades online in ASSIST and see them on unofficial transcripts available there as well. Students requiring a paper copy of their grades may request an official transcript via the U Central website. A $5 fee is assessed for each official transcript requested.