The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

First-Year University Requirement – UNIV 1301 Learning Framework

As part of UTRGV’s retention and graduation initiatives, entering freshmen and transfer students with fewer than 30 credit hours of college coursework2 will enroll in the UNIV 1301 – Learning Framework course during their first year as follows:

  • Mandatory Status: Entering Freshmen (EF) with ACT score (or SAT equivalent) below 19 or a HS class rank below the top 25% will enroll in UNIV 1301 Learning Framework during the fall or spring semester of their first year at UTRGV.
  • Provisional Status: Entering Freshmen (EF) will not be required to enroll in UNIV 1301 during their first full term (fall for Fall EFs and spring for Spring EFs) if they are admitted with an ACT composite score of 19 or higher or SAT total equivalent, and are in the top 25% of their graduating class. If a student does not have a high school rank percentage, the test scores (ACT or SAT) will be the sole criteria. Otherwise, both criteria must be met.
  • Continued Provisional Status: Provisional status will be evaluated after the completion of the first full term (fall or spring). A student who earns 12+ credit hours and a 2.5 GPA during the first full term will not need to take UNIV 1301 during the next full term. Students who do not complete 12 credit hours and a 2.5 GPA during their first full term will need to enroll in the course during the next full term (or summer term) and/or before the end of the first year of enrollment.
  • Waiver: All students with Provisional Status will be re-evaluated at the end of the second full term. A student who has earned 24 credit hours and a 2.5 total GPA during the first two full terms will not need to take UNIV 1301.
  • Part-Time Students: The same criteria will apply to part-time students, with the following exception:
    • The student must earn the same number of credit hours as attempted, rather than 12 credit hours required of full-time students.
  • Transfer Students: If a transfer student has 15-30 college credit hours and does not have an ACT score and HS class rank available, then the transfer GPA must be a 2.5 or higher in order to be placed on provisional status and to be evaluated as described above. If the transfer GPA is below 2.5 then the student is considered “mandatory status” and will enroll in UNIV 1301 during the fall or spring semester of their first year at UTRGV.

Enrollment in the UNIV 1301 Learning Framework course is open to all undergraduate students. A student may choose to take the course at his/her discretion, even when s/he is not required to do so. Please contact University College.