The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Correspondence regarding graduation requirements, deficiencies, and commencement ceremonies will be disseminated in a timely manner throughout the final semester of a student's enrollment, via UTRGV student e-mail account. The Degree Audit Systems and Support Office (Degree Audit Team) will communicate infrormation regarding graduation requirements, deficiencies, clearance for graduation, and all respective deadlines. Degree progression and outstanding requirements can be viewed in Degree Works via ASSIST. The Office of the University Registrar will communicate information regarding graduation and commencement ceremonies. UTRGV e-mail must be monitored regularly for related degree audit, graduation, and commencement ceremony correspondence. For timely delivery of diplomas, students must have a correct address on file with the Office of the University Registrar. Degree candidates will not receive special consideration for lack of knowledge of graduation requirements, deficiencies or deadlines.