The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Scholastic Probation and Suspension Policy

The Academic Probation and Suspension Policy for undergraduate students at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is as follows:

  1. Academic probation or suspension will be determined each regular (fall or spring) semester based on the student’s current semester and total Grade Point Average (GPA).
  2. An undergraduate student will be placed on academic probation when his/her total GPA falls below 2.0.
  3. An undergraduate student will be placed on academic suspension for one regular semester whenever the student enters a semester on academic probation and does not remove him/herself from academic probation (achieve a total GPA higher than 2.0). The student will continue probation if the student’s current semester GPA is 2.0 or above for a fall or spring semester.
    Academic Status GPA Criteria
    Good Standing total GPA is 2.0 or above
    Placed on Academic Probation total GPA has dropped below 2.0.
    Continued Academic Probation Previously on Academic Probation, total GPA is below 2.0 and current semester GPA is 2.0 or above.
    Academic Suspension Previously on Academic Probation, total GPA is below 2.0 and current semester GPA is below 2.0.
  4. A student on academic suspension may enroll for summer sessions for the purpose of raising the institutional GPA to the level required for good standing for the student’s classification. (Once placed on suspension for a semester, the suspension cannot be removed or changed to probation on the basis that the current semester GPA is a 2.0 or higher.) Removal from suspension can be most efficiently accomplished by enrolling only for courses in which the student has previously earned a low or failing grade.
  5. A student on academic suspension who raises the total GPA to the level required for good standing will be reinstated as a student in good standing.
  6. If a student who has been suspended for failure to meet academic probation requirements feels that unusual circumstances warrant a review, the student may submit an academic suspension appeal online, in care of the Office of the University Registrar, by the deadline stated in the notification email. The appeal is submitted through the Enrollment Services Online Appeal Portal according to instructions in the email notification. The appeal must detail the reasons for alleging that circumstances warrant special consideration and should articulate the student’s plan for achieving academic success. The committee may reinstate a student who has not served the period of academic suspension when convinced the best interests of both the university and the student will be served by such action. Decisions will be made by the committee and communicated to students by email within thirty days of submission of the appeal, or before the first day of classes in the next long semester, whichever comes first. Submission of an appeal for Academic Suspension does not also serve as an appeal for meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress with the Office of Financial Aid. 

All students are responsible for knowing whether they are eligible to continue at the university. An ineligible student who nevertheless registers or has registered prior to completion of the semester, in which academic standing is determined, shall be dropped and may not attend classes. Students will not receive special consideration for lack of knowledge of academic standing including failure to check campus email, regardless of whether the student registered and paid fees. Similarly, credit will not be awarded for any classes the student was ineligible to take as a result of his or her academic standing.

Academic probation and suspension for graduate students are addressed in the Graduate Catalog.