The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Qualitative or Grade Point Average (GPA)

The student must maintain at least a 2.0 institutional grade point average (GPA), which is consistent with the University's academic requirements. All UTRGV courses with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, RA, RB, RC, RD, and RF are counted in the calculation of GPA. Satisfactory Academic Progress cannot be determined until all grades of I or IP (incomplete) are resolved. Thus, in order to make a SAP determination an F is assumed for grades of I or IP. Transfer grades that are accepted by the university are not counted in the determination of GPA because they are not part of the institutional or native GPA.

However, the credits from all attempts accepted by UTRGV are counted in the calculation of pace and the maximum time frame requirement. If a student repeats a course, only the most recent grade is counted in the calculation of GPA. Remedial courses are included in the calculation of GPA. Audited courses do not count toward the GPA, pace, or maximum time frame requirements. Credit is not granted for audited courses.