The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Use of Institutional Funds to Cover Outstanding Student Balances

The use of institutional funds, such as Texas Grants and scholarships, will be applied to student account balances as follows:

  • Tuition and mandatory fees
  • Additional course fees
  • Incidental use fees

Some students are normally awarded sufficient financial aid (mostly referred to as Title IV funds; examples include Pell Grant, SEOG, Direct Loans, etc.) and non-Title IV funds or institutional funds (Texas Grants, scholarships, etc.) to cover all tuition and related fees. However, in situations where this financial aid is not sufficient, students are responsible for 100% of their remaining balance, which now becomes a student account receivable.

When students withdraw before the end of the semester, this may result in the reversal of Title IV funds that were previously awarded and may create a balance in the student’s account. In most cases, this student account balance is created after all student refunds for the term have been processed. This balance is now owed to UTRGV and known as a student account receivable.

To address student account receivables balances (which may include reversal of Title IV funds), UTRGV reserves the right to apply pending institutional refunds from the current term retroactively to any unpaid prior term balance(s). After this application, remaining credit balances, if any, will be processed as a disbursement (refund) to the student.