The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Other Procedures

Identification Cards

Every student enrolled at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley must possess an official identification card, issued by the university. The ID card remains the property of the university. The card must be presented for:

  • Any University or department-sponsored activity.
  • Admission to all intercollegiate athletic events.
  • Identification for cashing checks on campus.
  • Authorization to resell books to the University Bookstore or Student Book Exchange.
  • Checking out equipment from the Office for Student Involvement and the Student Union Recreation Room.
  • Identification for receipt of transcripts and other documents at UCentral.
  • Identification for receipt of awards from Student Financial Services.
  • Use of the university food service meal plans.
  • Use of recreation facilities.
  • Use of the Health Services.
  • Purchase of campus parking permit.
  • Campus library privileges.
  • Voting in campus elections and referendums.
  • Identifying oneself to a University official when requested to do so.
  • Use of computer equipment in computer labs.

This card is non-transferable. Beginning freshmen and first-time entering transfer students will receive their original ID cards at no charge. A service charge of $12 will be required for cards generated during subsequent semesters and for replacement cards. Worn cards can be replaced for $5.00. Loss or mutilation of cards must be reported to the V OneCard Office in the Academic Services Building, Rm. 1.101 or call 956-665-7276. Fees are subject to change.

Students may not have in their possession more than one student ID card any one time.

Name Change

A student or former student may change the full, legal name on his/her permanent academic record by completing a Change of Name Form and submitting the appropriate documentation as follows to the UCentral:

  1. Misspelling: Student must present a copy of the birth certificate.
  2. New Legal Name: Student must present a copy of the signed court order showing the authorized new legal name.
  3. Marriage: If a student wishes to assume his or her spouse’s name, the student must present a copy of the marriage certificate along with either an updated government-issued photo ID or updated social security card.
  4. Divorce: Students who wish to discontinue the use of a married name and resume the use of their former name, or another name, must present a divorce decree or signed court order showing court restoration of the former, or other, name. A copy of the first page of the decree is required along with a copy of the page formalizing the name change (if not included on the first) and the page including presiding officials’ signatures.

Change of Address and/or Telephone Number

If a student changes his/her address or telephone number, the student is expected to make the changes online in ASSIST. The student may also complete a Change of Information Form and email it to U Central or drop it off in person during business hours. The student will be held responsible for any communication from University offices sent to the address last provided.

A student’s address may be deleted from records if any mail sent to the student is returned from mail services. This will prevent additional mail from being sent in error, and serves as an opportunity for the mailing address to be updated.

No special consideration will be given to students who move and fail to receive official communication as a result of their failure to notify the university of her/his new address.

Official Means of Communication with Students and UTRGV

The official means of communication with students from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley regarding administrative issues is the UTRGV email address assigned by the university. Important information, such as financial aid award notification, billing notices, payment reminders, registration information, class wait list notifications, deadline reminders, and information on the  graduation application process is sent to the student’s UTRGV email address. It is the student’s responsibility to activate this address upon admission and check it often.

Online Services for Students

Admission, grade, registration and financial information can be accessed on the web at Online services include:

  • Admission Information
    • Apply for Admission
    • View Admission Status
  • Registration (UTRGV username and password required)
    • Registration for classes
    • Change your class schedule (during the add/drop period published in the official calendar)
    • View class availability
    • Add your name to the waiting list for a closed class
    • Student Schedule
    • View Fee Assessment
  • Course Catalog
  • Class Schedules
  • Financial Aid Awards (UTRGV username and password required)
  • University Catalogs
  • Payment Services
    • Credit card
    • E-check
    • Emergency Loan Applications
    • Short Term Loan
    • Installment Plan
    • Student Refund-Direct Deposit
  • Student Records (UTRGV username and password required)
    • View holds
    • View and update address
    • View and update phone numbers
    • View grades
    • Request and pay for official academic transcripts
    • View and print unofficial academic transcripts at no charge
    • View Account Summary
    • View degree plan via Degree Works
    • View progress towards degree via Degree Works

Enrollment Verification

Enrollment verification for lending agencies, employers, insurers and other parties should be requested from the National Student Clearinghouse at, Phone: 703-742-7791, Fax: 703-742-7792. Enrollment verifications for personal use (i.e., insurance companies, employment) can also be requested at the National Student Clearinghouse. Alternatively, students may print unofficial transcripts in ASSIST demonstrating enrollment in a given term.

  • Full-time Undergraduate: An undergraduate student who is enrolled for at least 12 credit hours during a regular semester or at least six hours of credit during a summer session is considered full-time.
  • Half-time Undergraduate: A half-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for 6 to 8 credit hours during the regular semester or three hours of credit during a summer session.
  • Three-Quarter time Undergraduate: A three-quarter time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for 9 to 11 credit hours during the regular semester.
  • Less than Half-time Undergraduate: A less than half-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for 1 to 5 hours during a regular semester.
  • Full-time Graduate: A graduate student who is enrolled for at least nine hours of credit during a regular semester, or six hours of credit during the summer sessions (six hours can be taken during one summer session or split between the two summer sessions). Graduate students in an accelerated online program are considered fulltime upon enrollment in six credit hours in any two seven-week accelerated modules that comprise a traditional academic semester (fall, spring or summer).
  • Half-time Graduate: A graduate student who is enrolled for at least six hours of credit during a regular semester or three hours of credit during the summer sessions. Graduate students in an accelerated online program are considered part-time upon enrollment in three credit hours in any two seven-week accelerated modules that comprise a traditional academic semester (fall, spring or summer).


A student may secure an official transcript of student's UTRGV academic record online via the UCentral website. If the student does not have holds on record for outstanding obligations to the universityOfficial transcripts will be issued at a cost of $5 per transcript. The term “transcript of record” is understood to refer to the recorded results of the student’s work in the classroom, and it is a comprehensive record of an individual’s total academic progress at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. This transcript will contain all the important facts pertaining to the student’s academic level and academic achievements. No partial or incomplete classroom records (for example, with grades of F omitted) will be given. Students who owe debts to the university (due to a balance or an unreturned asset), are delinquent or in default on a student loan, or owe a repayment from a student grant overpaid will have their official transcripts withheld until the university debts are paid or satisfactory arrangements have been made to return the asset, repay the student loan or student grant over payment.

Holds related to outstanding balances for current and past terms are managed by Student Accounting Services, and any such holds must be cleared by their designated staff for release of official transcripts by U Central and the Office of the University Registrar.