The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Academic Appeals

Students wishing to appeal final course grades or decisions regarding academic standards should first discuss the matter with the instructor of the class. If no resolution occurs, and the student wishes to pursue the matter further, the student may appeal in writing to the appropriate department chair/director within one long semester, or Summer III long semester, after the disputed grade or decision is issued. The department chair/director will respond in writing to the student within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the receipt of the student’s written appeal.

Pursuant appeals will be written and directed within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the date of the department chair/director’s decision to the school, college, or division. Upon receipt of the written appeal of the department chair/director’s decision, the dean will appoint a College Academic Appeals Committee. The committee will consist of a panel of three faculty members, two of whom may not be from the department in which the appeal originated. The dean will notify the student in writing of the date, time and location of the hearing and the names of the members of the panel to take place no less than 14 calendar days of the receipt of the student’s appeal. The student and the faculty member involved may appear in person before the panel and present evidence. The hearing will be closed to the public, and no person other than the student, the faculty member involved and panel members may be present. No person may represent the student or the faculty member except in the event that the instructor is unavailable for an extended period of time (such as due to death, serious illness, or termination of employment with UTRGV). In those cases, the faculty member may be represented by the appropriate department chair.

After the College Academic Appeals Committee has heard the appeal, it will deliberate and come to a decision. The committee’s decision will be written, mailed, emailed, or delivered in person, to the student and faculty member within three business days of the close of the hearing. The student may appeal in writing within 14 calendar days to the dean/director (excluding holidays). The dean’s/director’s decision will be final, and it must be mailed, emailed, or delivered in person to the student within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the receipt of the student’s written appeal.

Students who may wish to complain or grieve a class that is in progress should utilize the complaint and grievance process outlined in STU 02-200.

Note that a transcript notation that the student dropped or withdrew from a course is not subject to academic appeal through this process. That notation is an indication of enrollment status, not academic performance. Students believing that such a notation is incorrect who wish to appeal can do so through the UTRGV Strategic Enrollment and Student Affairs appeals portal.