The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Student Conduct

The University of Texas Rio Grande considers cultivation of self-discipline by its students to be of great importance in the development of responsible citizens. Therefore, the university expects students to maintain standards of personal discipline that are in harmony with the education goals and purpose of the university. Although the university is committed to the full support of the constitutional rights of students, including due process, it also has an equal obligation to protect its educational purpose and the interest of the student body. The University must therefore be concerned with the actions of individuals or groups that are in conflict with the welfare and integrity of the institution or in disregard of the rights of other students or faculty.

Attendance at a tax-supported educational institution of higher learning is optional and voluntary. By such voluntary entrance into the academic community of the university, students voluntarily assume the obligations of performance and behavior imposed by the university relevant to its lawful missions, processes, and functions. When students enter the university, it is assumed that they have a serious purpose and a sincere interest in their own social and intellectual development. They are expected to learn to cope with problems with intelligence, reasonableness, and consideration for the rights of others; to obey laws and ordinances of the nation, state, and community for which they, as well as the university, are a part of. As students prize rights and freedoms for themselves, they are expected to respect the rights and freedoms of others.

The administration of student discipline at the university is a responsibility shared by students, faculty, and administrative staff. In many cases, peer group influence, counseling, admonition, and example may resolve problems of student conduct. Where these preferred means fail, resort is made to disciplinary procedures. Any academic or administrative official, faculty member, or student may file a complaint against any student for misconduct. A student may be penalized herein, even though he or she is also punished by state or federal authorities for the same act.

Students are subject to federal, state, and local laws as well as University rules and regulations. Students are subject to reasonable disciplinary action, including suspension and expulsion in appropriate cases, for breach of federal, state, or local laws or University rules and regulations. Individuals who are not currently enrolled at the university remain subject to the disciplinary process for conduct that occurred during any period of enrollment, and for statements, acts, or omissions related to application for enrollment or the award of a degree.

Rules and regulations relating to the students of the university are enacted with the view towards protecting the best interests of the individual, the general welfare of the entire student body, and the educational objectives of the university. These rules and regulations are few, and most students will not find them unduly restrictive. Violations of institutional rules and regulations, including those, which may subsequently be enacted, may subject a student to disciplinary action.

The Student Conduct Code and the student disciplinary hearing and appeals procedure can be found in the UTRGV Handbook of Operating Procedures.