Core Curriculum - 42 Hours
The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.
The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once.
Major Requirements - 60 Hours
Required Courses - 42 Hours
This degree plan includes courses that appear in more than one section of the degree plan. Except for core curriculum courses, such courses can only be used to fulfill one requirement on the degree plan and credit hours will only be applied once.
Credit by exam or departmental exam cannot be used to fulfill required courses at the 2000- or 3000-level.
Translation Core - 18 Hours
Linguistic Core - 12 Hours
SPAN 2313 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II | 3 |
SPAN 2315 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III | 3 |
ENGL 3361 | Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics | 3 |
ENGL 3362 | English Grammar | 3 |
Writing Core - 12 Hours
SPAN 3313 | Advanced Grammar & Composition Heritage Language Learners I | 3 |
SPAN 3315 | Advanced Grammar & Composition Heritage Language Learners II | 3 |
Choose two from:
Prescribed Electives- 18 hours
This degree plan includes courses that appear in more than one section of the degree plan. Except for core curriculum courses, such courses can only be used to fulfill one requirement on the degree plan and credit hours will only be applied once.
Spanish readiness: SPAN 1315 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners I can count towards prescribed electives only if determined by departmental placement exam.
Choose 18 hours, at least 6 of which must be advanced credit hours:
Free Electives - 18 Hours
Students are encouraged to choose a minor. Any of the following minors is suggested: American Sign Language Studies, Legal Studies, Health, Economics, Communication Studies, Communication, Criminal Justice, English as Second Language Instruction, English, French Language, Literature & Culture, Mass Communication, Medical Humanities, Political Science, and Public Administration.
Free elective credit hours at the advanced level may be needed to achieve the institutional minimum of 42 advanced hours.
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42
Specific graduation requirements required for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements.
A minimum of 2.5 GPA is required in the major.