Mathematics (7-12, Teacher Certification), Bachelor of Science
Mathematics majors with a focus on the 7th–12th grade teacher certification are prepared to meet the growing demands for mathematics teachers in high schools and middle schools. This BS program is designed to provide both educational and employment opportunities. The program prepares the graduates for a competitive position in society, for an exciting and rewarding teaching position, and for graduate studies in mathematics or math education.
Core Curriculum - 42 Hours
The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.
The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once. The courses listed below fulfill core curriculum and major requirements. Students who have completed a core curriculum category with courses other than those listed below will still be required to take the listed course(s) to meet major requirements.
020 Mathematics – 3 hours
Three credit hours apply.
Major Requirements – 58 Hours
Required Courses - 33 hours
Secondary Mathematics Core - 25 hours
Teacher Certification - 21 Hours
Area of certification: Mathematics (7-12)
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42
Total Credit Hours: 121
Major Admission Requirements
Admission requirements required for this program beyond university admission requirements.
Admission to the Teacher Education Program at the Office of Educator Preparation and Accountability is required for completion of teacher certification requirements with the undergraduate degree. All admission requirements are in accordance to Texas Administrative Code rules §227.10 and the HEA Title II accountability requirements. All applicants must meet the current certification requirements in effect at the time of application, regardless of the catalog year of degree plan.
Major Progression Requirements
Progression requirements required for this program.
Admission to the College of Education and P16 Integration is required for participation in Apprentice Teaching and Seminar (UTCH 4101, UTCH 4601). Students unable to be admitted to UTCH 4601 and UTCH 4101 will be required to substitute 6 hours, as recommended by advisor.
Teacher Education Program progression requirements include GPA, course grades, certification courses, benchmarks/key assessments and testing.
Major Graduation Requirements
Specific graduation requirements required for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements.
Major requirements must be completed with a minimum grade of ‘C’ and a minimum GPA of 2.5.