The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

EDUL 8350 Doctoral Internship

As stated in the THECB standards for Ed.D. programs in educational administration/leadership, "Each doctoral student will participate in, and be extensively evaluated in, an internship in an operational setting distinct from prior or concurrent work experience". The site will be determined by agreement between the student and her/his advisor. Each student will have this experience during the final 30 hours of the program. The advisor, in cooperation with the on-site cooperating supervisor, will provide continuous monitoring and advisement of the student's experience, beginning with the selection of a set of objectives for the student for the period of the internship. The practicing school leaders used to coordinate field experiences will also be involved selectively in doctoral internships. May be repeated for credit once.



Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Org & Schl Leadership


As scheduled