The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

MATH 9101 Graduate Research Seminar

The MSIA Student Seminar is a sequence of courses taken by all MSIA Ph.D. students (MSIA M.S. students will join the course for the first two semesters of study). This course could be repeated upon the student’s needs before taking MSIA Dissertation course. It is specifically designed to assist with many of the unique challenges confronting MSIA graduate students. For Ph.D. students, one of these challenges is the choice of a dissertation committee that includes two different co-advisors, one from mathematics and one from another partner discipline. Another challenge common to the interests of both M.S. and Ph.D. students is the development of a sound understanding of the way that mathematics plays a role in diverse application areas. MSIA 9101 is a course only for MSIA graduate students. It is coordinated with the SMSS Colloquium Research Seminar, and students are required to participate in the research seminar on a weekly basis as a course requirement. Students will therefore meet once each week during the regular course time and again during the time of the research seminar.




Consent of the instructor or program director

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Credit/No Credit


As scheduled