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The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Graduate Catalog
PHAS - Physician Assistant Pgm
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Graduate Degree Program Regulations
Glossary of Terms
ACCT - Accounting
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Arts
BADM - Business Administration
BILC - Bilingual Studies
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
CHEM - Chemistry
CIVE - Civil Engineering
CLAS - Liberal Arts Studies
CLSC - Clinical Laboratory Sci
COMD - Communication Disorders
COMM - Communications
COUN - Counseling
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
CYBI - Cyberspace & Informatics
DIET - Dietetics
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDBE - EducationBilingual Ed
EDCI - EdC and Elem and Sec
EDFR - Educ Foundations Research
EDHE - Education in Higher Ed
EDLR - Educational Leadership
EDRE - Education Research
EDSL - English as Second Lang
EDSS - Education Social Studies
EDTC - Educational Technology
EDUL - Educational Leadership
ELEE - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ENVR - Environmental Sciences
EPSY - Educational Psychology
EXAR - Expressive Arts
FINA - Finance
GEOL - Geology
GRAD-Graduate College
HGEN - Human Genetics
HIED - Higher Education
HIST - History
HLTH - Health
HRPT - Health Related Programs
HSCI - Health Science
HSIN - Health Sci Informatics
INFS - Information Systems
INTB - International Business
INTG - Interpreting
INTM - Internal Medicine
IPCP - Interprof Collab Practice
KINE - Kinesiology
MANE - Manufacturing Engineering
MARK - Marketing
MARS - Marine Science
MASC - Mexican American Studies
MATE - Mathematics Education
MATH - Math
MBAI - MBA Internship
MECE - Mechanical Engineering
MGMT - Management
MUAP - Music Applied
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
NSCI - Neuroscience
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OCCT - Occupational Therapy Pgm
OTDE - Occupational Therapy Doctoral
PAFF - Public Affairs
PHAS - Physician Assistant Pgm
PHAS 5101
PHAS 5109
PHAS 5112
PHAS 5114
PHAS 5116
PHAS 5117
PHAS 5118
PHAS 5137
PHAS 5201
PHAS 5202
PHAS 5230
PHAS 5262
PHAS 5301
PHAS 5306
PHAS 5307
PHAS 5326
PHAS 5327
PHAS 5328
PHAS 5329
PHAS 5401
PHAS 5402
PHAS 5403
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSCI - Physical Science
PSYC - Psychology
QUMT - Quantitative Methods
REHS - Rehabilitative Services
RLIT - Reading and Literacy
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
THTF - Theatre
TRSP - Spanish Translation
UNIV - University College
UXUI - User Exp Interf Desgn
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Graduate Catalog
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School of Podiatric Medicine
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Student Policies
PHAS 5101
Studies in the PA Profession
PHAS 5109
Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology III
PHAS 5112
Health Policy and Health Management
PHAS 5114
Research & Statistical Methods in Health
PHAS 5116
Electrocardiography Seminar
PHAS 5117
Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Design
PHAS 5118
Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
PHAS 5137
Preventative Medicine and Community Health
PHAS 5201
Medical Human Anatomy and Radiology I
PHAS 5202
Medical Human Anatomy and Radiology II
PHAS 5230
Pharmacology III
PHAS 5262
Clinical Clerkship
PHAS 5301
Medical Human Anatomy
PHAS 5306
Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology I
PHAS 5307
Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology II
PHAS 5326
Patient Encounter I
PHAS 5327
Patient Encounter II
PHAS 5328
Pharmacology I
PHAS 5329
Pharmacology II
PHAS 5401
Clinical Medicine I
PHAS 5402
Clinical Medicine II
PHAS 5403
Clinical Medicine III