The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

PHYS 6379 Scientific Programming

The use of computing to solve scientific problems is pervasive in every field of science now. The effective use of computing in the sciences does not merely need a knowledge of a programming language but also the effective use of software libraries and hardware options available for scientific computing. This course will cover (i) efficient programming and best practices in procedural and object oriented programming languages, (ii) training in widely used scientific programming environments such as Matlab, (ii) use of scientific software libraries such as the various toolboxes in Matlab and the Gnu Scientific Library for numerical analysis, (iv) introduction to programming for high performance parallel computing machines, and (v) introduction to massively parallel computing using Graphics Processing Units (GPU computing).




Consent of the instructor.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Physics and Astronomy


As scheduled