The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

REHS 8300 Dissertation Development

This seminar course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, tools, and interactive experience in order to understand, prepare, and develop the first three chapters of their dissertation for proposal to committee. Students will methodically learn what goes into each of the five chapters in a dissertation, practice and develop relevant research questions to their topic, operationalize their topic and identify the variables and instruments needed. In addition, students will research their topic, culminating in submitting their first three chapters for grade as well as preparing a mock oral presentation for the class. Aside from weekly roundtable updates Re: student progress and feedback, instructor will cover individualized variable identification and research design. Separately, students will be introduced to numerous research designs via homework running SPSS assigned database, print and interpret these results.



Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

School of Rehab Serv & Counsel


As scheduled