The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Curriculum and Instruction with a Content Specialization in Mathematics (MED) - Accelerated Online Program

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Our 100% online, accelerated Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a Content Specialization in Mathematics provides the skill set needed to become a mathematics instructional leader to serve a diverse population in classroom and other settings. It enhances your ability to serve the needs of high school and community college students. Learn advanced skills in curriculum development and implementation while becoming a content specialist in the high-demand areas of mathematics. This online M.Ed. program can advance your specialized knowledge and skills for use in the classroom or in a variety of educational settings.

The M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction program is an accelerated, fully online, 30-semester credit hour program. Each course consists of 7-week modules, allowing you to complete the program in as little as 10 months. With content specializations in Mathematics, the program provides advanced professional teacher education coursework in curriculum and instruction as well as pedagogical content knowledge. Those earning the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction gain in-depth knowledge of mathematics, the teaching of mathematics as well as assessment and instructional best practices. Teachers with advanced knowledge of curriculum and instruction have the skills necessary to become leaders in their schools and school districts to promote mathematics education. 

Career Options

Graduates of the MED in C&I with a Concentration in Mathematics program may seek positions as instructional coordinators, curriculum leaders, instructional coaches, mathematics education mentors, educational consultants, mathematics specialists, and similar positions in school districts. The MED in C&I provides 15 credit hours in Mathematics. Graduates of the program who are seeking opportunities to teach dual credit courses in the high school setting will need one additional three hour Mathematics course beyond the master’s degree. Qualifications and eligibility for dual credit teaching are determined by school districts and their partner institution of Higher Education and not by UTRGV. Graduates should consult with their ISD before enrolling in additional course work after earning the master’s degree. To enroll in additional courses after earning the master’s degree, graduates will need to apply to the UTRGV Graduate College as a non-degree seeking student. Financial aid restrictions for non-degree students will apply.

Admissions Requirements

Students may be admitted each semester in to the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and their specializations. Prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester credit hours. If applicant does not meet the minimum undergraduate GPA criterion of 3.0, the applicant will be evaluated holistically using a Likert scale reflecting professional goals, GPA, professional success from resume, and success on related prior course work.
  2. A 250-500 word essay with statement of goals, including academic and professional objectives. Explain how graduate study will help you attain your goals.
  3. Resume

Students not meeting these requirements may appeal and have their application be reviewed by the program admissions committee and, if merited, approved by the dean of the college of education.

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 15 Hours

EDCI 6304Assessment of Learning


EDCI 7334Curriculum Problems and Processes


EDFR 6300Research Methods in Education


EDFR 6302Foundations of Learning, Cognition and Human Development


EDFR 6388Introduction to Historical and Sociocultural Foundations of Education


Mathematics Specialization - 15 Hours

MATH 6325Contemporary Geometry


MATH 6329Number Theory


MATH 6331Algebra I


MATH 6352Analysis I


MATH 6365Probability and Statistics


MATH 6388Discrete Mathematics


Capstone Requirement


Total Credit Hours: 30