The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (MS)

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The Master of Science degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling at The University of Texas Rio Grande valley was designed as a direct result of the expressed need for professionally trained rehabilitation counselors in the growing Rio Grande Valley, the state of Texas, and across the nation. The degree is offered by the School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling in the College of Health Professions. The program focuses on an integration of theory, skill and practice in counseling, specializing in working with persons with disabilities. Students are prepared with the education needed to successfully function as a professional rehabilitation counselor and are required to complete a 100-hour supervised practicum and a 600-hour supervised internship to learn and practice the necessary skills to work as a professional counselor. The Master's degree is a minimum 60-semester hour program with a thesis. Students are required to pass a comprehensive examination before graduation.

Mission and Objectives

The Master of Science degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling was designed to meet a growing demand for professionally trained counselors in public and private rehabilitation agencies, mental health centers, schools, substance abuse centers, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and in medical case management. The program philosophy is to assist and empower persons with disabilities in adjusting/adapting to their vocational and personal lives.

The major objective of the Masters’ degree is to prepare students for a profession in rehabilitation counseling by providing classroom and experiential skills development in individual and group counseling, vocational assessment, job analysis and placement, medical and psychosocial aspects of disability, case management, research in rehabilitation, and psychiatric rehabilitation.

The Masters’ degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling at UTRGV is nationally accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and adheres to the curriculum goals and objectives defined by these national standards. As such, students who successfully complete the requirements of this program are immediately eligible to sit for the certifying exam as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC).

Additionally, students may complete the appropriate coursework needed for the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program in Clinical Rehabilitation counseling, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a related field.
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester credit hours.
  3. One letter of recommendation from an employer and one letter of recommendation from a former professor
  4. Double-spaced, two-page, personal statement as to why you want to pursue a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling and become a counselor. Applicants must include educational and career goals as well as any other pertinent personal characteristics deemed appropriate. Please include information about work experience related to the field of rehabilitation and past interactions involving individuals with disabilities (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly).

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Official college transcripts are to be sent to the Graduate College directly from all the institutions attended. If the applicant attended UTRGV at any time, those official transcripts will be handled by the Graduate College; however, the applicant is responsible for requesting official transcripts to be sent directly from all other institution(s).

Required Practicum and Internship Experience

A minimum 100-hour supervised practicum and 600-hour supervised internship is required of all Masters students in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling. This field-based practical experience provides students with the opportunity to select and work for one semester in an approved rehabilitation setting. The practicum may be taken only after completion of REHS 6300, REHS 6360, and REHS 6370. The internship is generally completed in the student's final semester. These practical experiences permit students to gain exposure working with persons with disabilities and rehabilitation professionals under the direct supervision of a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor.

Written Comprehensive Examination

All candidates for graduate degrees of the Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program are required to take a Comprehensive Examination covering aspects of the student’s academic program. Comprehensive Examination requirements may be satisfied in one of two ways:

  1. Passing the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) Examination.
  2. Passing the School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling MS Comprehensive Examination.

Master’s degree candidates must inform the MS Graduate Program Coordinator of their intent to take the CRC Examination or the School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling MS Comprehensive Examination at the beginning of the semester before they intend to graduate.

Students opting to take the CRC Examination can obtain information on examination dates, examination locations, study guides, and scores required to pass the examination at:

Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC)

1699 East Woodfield Road, Suite 300

Schaumburg, Illinois 60173

Telephone: (847) 944-1325

Students who fail the CRC Examination will be given the option of taking the Department of Rehabilitation MS Comprehensive Examination. The School of Rehabilitation Services and counseling MS Comprehensive Examination is offered three times (fall, spring and summer) each year and examination dates are posted on the Rehabilitation Counseling Program bulletin board as well as the MS Graduate Program Coordinators office door. Specific requirements for eligibility to sit for and pass the Examination are contained in the Masters’ degree Student Handbook.

Certification and Licensure

The Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) is a professional rehabilitation counselor who has met the educational and work experience requirements as set forth by the national standards developed by the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE). Students who intend to seek employment in the public sector with state vocational rehabilitation as well as private sector vocational rehabilitation (Workers Compensation) are strongly encouraged to obtain this credential upon completing their degree requirements. For more information contact the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) at 1699 East Woodfield Rd., Suite 300, Schaumburg, IL 60173, (847) 944-1325.

The Texas Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors has been designated by the Texas Legislature as the licensing body for counselors in Texas who want to pursue a career as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Licensing as a generic counselor with a specialty as a rehabilitation counselor is available. Any person practicing counseling activities and claiming the credentials of LPC is required by law to submit appropriate credentials for evaluation and take an examination before associate (LAC) recognition is granted. Students in UTRGV Rehabilitation Counseling program can acquire the necessary academic courses to sit for the LPC exam; however, after the student graduates he/she must also complete 3,000 hours of internship or employment under the supervision of an LPC.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 60 Hours

REHS 6300Foundations in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


REHS 6305Ethics, Legal and Professional Issues in Clinical Rehabilitation


REHS 6310Case Management in Rehabilitation


REHS 6315Research and Program Evaluation


REHS 6320Psychosocial Aspects of Disability


REHS 6325Group Counseling in Rehabilitation


REHS 6330Assessment and Testing


REHS 6335Addictions Counseling in Clinical Rehabilitation


REHS 6340Advanced Counseling and Diagnostics in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


REHS 6345Medical Aspects of Disability


REHS 6350Career Development and Job Placement


REHS 6355Developmental Lifespan and Disability


REHS 6360Counseling Theories in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


REHS 6365Multicultural and Social Diversity


REHS 6370Techniques in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


REHS 6375Psychiatric Rehabilitation


REHS 6385Couple and Family Counseling


REHS 6390Practicum in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


Choose one from the following:

REHS 7300Internship in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


REHS 7600Internship in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling


Student will need to take REHS 7300 twice (300-hour per course) to complete the total require 600-hour applied internship experience.

Capstone Requirement

Written Comprehensive Exam - Students can choose to take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor examination, or the Department Comprehensive Examination.

Total Credit Hours: 60