Media Relations and Strategic Communication Certificate

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The Certificate in Media Relations and Strategic Communication is a 9 hour sequence of courses designed to provide the essential content and methods for professionals who need competencies in managing crisis communication, creating public events, mobilizing public opinions, communicating with elected and government officials, and developing workshops to help their clients attain goals. This certificate is ideal for the graduate student who wants to:

  • Develop, critique, and deliver effective media campaigns
  • Use targeted messages to accomplish strategic influence
  • Understand and appreciate the role media play in a variety of social, health, organizational, educational, and political settings.
  • Apply communication theories to enhance the effectiveness of media campaigns

This program may be completed as a cognate area of study for masters or doctoral students in a variety of areas including advertising, public relations, marketing, education, and health professions, or other related degree programs. Students who complete the Certificate in Media Relations and Strategic Communication may seek permission to apply the credit earned toward an MA degree In Communication.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate certificate in media relations and strategic communication, prospective candidates must meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a similar or related field.
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester credit hours.
  3. Three  letters  of  recommendation  from  professional  or  academic sources.
  4. 500-word essay answering: “How will this certificate program benefit your professional development?”

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 6 Hours

COMM 6332Mass Media Campaigns


COMM 6356Seminar in Persuasion


Prescribed Electives - 3 Hours

COMM 6327Seminar in Health Communication


COMM 6351Communication Technology


COMM 6352Media, Race, and Ethnicity


COMM 6360Historical Studies in Mass Media


COMM 6333Seminar in Media Psychology


COMM 6329Special Topics in Communication


COMM 6329 can only be taken when course topics are related to Mass Media.

Total Credit Hours: 9