The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

History (MA)

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Two options are available to graduate students under the program. Option I requires 30 hours of directed coursework and six hours of thesis preparation. Option II requires 36 hours of directed coursework and a two part comprehensive examination. Students will select from either Option I or Option II.

Option I: Thesis

Students enrolled in Option I will be required to take 24 hours of history coursework, including HIST 6300, and six hours of non-history coursework (anthropology, sociology, computer science, etc.), and six hours of thesis preparation. The thesis will be evaluated using current departmental guidelines.

Option II: Non-Thesis

Students enrolled in Option II will be required to take 30 hours of history coursework, including HIST 6300, and six hours of non-history coursework (anthropology, sociology, computer science, etc.). The student will choose two reading areas in consultation with the graduate advisor and will be expected to take a two part comprehensive examination covering both areas. The questions for the comprehensive examinations will be based on readings determined in consultation with history faculty.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program in history, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a similar or related field.
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester credit hours.
  3. Minimum of 12 hours of upper-division and 9 hours of lower-division History course work.
  4. Personal statement detailing professional goals and reasons for pursuing the graduate degree. 
  5. Two letters of recommendation from professional or academic sources.
  6. GRE General Test.  GRE test scores are valid for 5 years.  A waiver will be granted to applicants who show proof of completing a graduate degree (Master’s or doctoral). 
  7. Writing sample of at least five pages with citations and bibliography 

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at


Program Requirements

Related academic areas for the MA in History will include, but are not limited to, political science, English, Spanish, economics, anthropology, computer science and sociology. Students will confirm their choice of a related academic area with the graduate advisor prior to enrolling in outside electives for bot the thesis and non-thesis option.

Required Course - 3 Hours

HIST 6300Historiography and Methods


Choose one of the following options:

Thesis Option:

History Courses - 21 Hours

History courses at the 5000 and 6000 level, 3 hours of which must be at the 6000 level

Free Electives - 6 Hours

May be chosen from one or two outside fields

Thesis - 6 Hours
HIST 7300Thesis I


HIST 7301Thesis II


Non-Thesis Option:

History Courses - 27 Hours

History courses at the 5000 and 6000 level, 3 hours of which must be at the 6000 level

Free Electives - 6 Hours

May be chosen from one or two outside fields

Capstone Requirement

Written Comprehensive Exam

Total Credit Hours: 36