The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Public Affairs with a Concentration in Public Administration (MPA) - Accelerated Online Program


The UTRGV interdisciplinary MPA online program prepares graduates to advance into more rewarding positions in governmental agencies and non-profits.

If a career in the public sector interests you, a Master of Public Affairs degree online could be your next step to influence change in your community or a career path in government agencies at various levels. The UTRGV MPA degree program enables graduates to serve in areas of public policy analysis, grant writing, managing local government, non-profit professions and political and public administration research just to name a few. Coursework is robust and provides the latest theories, trends and real-world practice-based scenarios that result in the skills you need for more rewarding opportunities.

This program is accelerated and is 100% online. A traditional version of the program is also available. Students are not allowed to alternate enrollment in accelerated and traditional program courses.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program in public affairs, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below. Please provide:

  1. Three names of individuals who may be contacted for personal or professional recommendation.
  2. Personal  Statement  detailing  professional  goals  and  reasons  for pursuing the graduate degree indicating references to previous employment and experience.

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 18 Hours

PAFF 6301Graduate Seminar in Public Administration


PAFF 6302Scope and Methods


PAFF 6303Policy Implementation and Program Evaluation


PAFF 6304Public Budgeting and Finance


PAFF 6305Political Leadership: Decision-Making and Management in Public Organizations


PAFF 6306Public Sector Human Resources


Electives - 15 Hours

Choose five from the following:

PAFF 6310Public Service Ethics


PAFF 6311Intergovernmental Relations


PAFF 6312State and Local Government


PAFF 6314Formulation of Public Policy


PAFF 6315Management of Governmental Information Systems


PAFF 6317Grant Writing and Fund Development


PAFF 6319Public Finance Administration


PAFF 6350Introduction to Urban Planning


Capstone Requirement - 3 Hours

PAFF 6362Public Administration Capstone


Total Credit Hours: 36