The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Localization and Audiovisual Translation Certificate - Online Program


The Graduate Certificate in Localization and Audiovisual Translation seeks to appeal translators and current practitioners who wish to acquire theoretical and hands-on knowledge of the existing translation technologies. This program is also aimed at professional translators who wish to increase their productivity by using computer-aided translation software, and to those who want to enhance their competitiveness by offering subtitling, dubbing, web site and software localization services. ln all these cases, students across the State and the Nation will greatly benefit from the 100% online nature of the program. The program also seeks to provide an optimal entryway to postsecondary education in the Humanities, and offers its graduates the possibility to pursue and complete an MA in Translation and Interpreting, already offered by UTRGV on a 100% online basis.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate certificate in court interpreting, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor's  degree  from  a  regionally  accredited  institution  in  the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a similar or related field.
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester credit hours.
  3. One academic or professional letter of recommendation.
  4. Satisfactory performance on the translation of a document from English to Spanish, Spanish to English.
  5. A short essay in Spanish
  6. Personal interview (Online or in person).

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

A translation test waiver may be granted to applicants who hold a state or federal court or medical interpreting license

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 15 Hours

TRSP 6342Translation Workshop - Spanish to English


TRSP 6343Translation Workshop - English to Spanish


TRSP 6347Translation Technologies


TRSP 6348Audiovisual Translation


TRSP 6395Translation/Research Project


Total Credit Hours: 15