The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Multiple Degrees


Second or subsequent master's degrees in the same program of study or major are not permitted for students who earned their first master's degree at UTRGV or at another university.

The second or subsequent master’s degree must be in a different major and have a program of study/curriculum distinct from the first master’s degree, and students may not repeat for credit any courses taken during a first masters in a second masters regardless of whether the first courses were applied to the first master’s degree plan or not.

A student seeking an additional master’s degree must:

  • Complete all admission requirements and all requirements for the additional degree including GPA requirements, leveling courses, elective courses, etc.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 hours of additional graduate credit in UTRGV courses for each master’s degree sought. Some programs may require credit hours above the minimum. 
  • Complete all courses within one seven-year period, inclusive of any coursework applied to the second degree from the first.


Concurrent graduate degree programs are defined as a curriculum established by two participating academic units resulting in completion of two graduate degrees or a graduate and a professional degree that may be pursued simultaneously. Rather than consecutively completing first one degree and then another, concurrent degree programs permit the student to proceed in a coordinated way toward completion of both degrees simultaneously.

Concurrent Degrees Offered at UTRGV:

  • Medical Doctor and Masters in Bioethics 

Students are not permitted to pursue two or more degrees concurrently unless listed above, and students may not create ad hoc concurrent degrees.

Students who wish to pursue two degrees at UTRGV that are not approved concurrent degrees listed above must complete the degrees sequentially. They may then take advantage of rules governing second or subsequent master’s degrees. Otherwise, students must complete all requirements for each degree earned at UTRGV.