The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Social Work with a Specialization in Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups (MSSW) - 33 Hour Program


The thirty-three-hour, advanced standing, Master of Social of Work program with a concentration in Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups is for applicants who possess a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

The program prepares students to work with diverse communities around the world. Graduates will learn how to develop strong leadership skills, promote social justice, and apply practical solutions to social issues facing the most vulnerable in our society.

The program prepares students for tomorrow’s workforce using ground-breaking research and theoretical frameworks. At the completion of this degree program, students will be eligible to sit for exams to attain Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) credentials.

The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

An online version of the program is also available. Students are not allowed to alternate enrollment in online and traditional program courses.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor's degree in Social Work from a CSWE accredited program..
  2. Overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0. and 3.2 GPA in Social Work core courses.
  3. Three letters of recommendation
  4. Personal statement  detailing  professional goals and reasons for pursuing the graduate degree.
  5. Current Professional Resume

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Admissions Committee Review

All applications will be reviewed by the School of Social Work MSSW Program Admissions Committee. The committee is responsible for the selection of the individuals who are admitted into the master’s in social work degree program.

Progression Requirements

Students are expected to follow the plan of study designated for their chosen specialization.  A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained throughout the program, and it is required to enroll in field practicum courses. 

Suspension/Dismissal Policy

The School of Social Work policy is the following: A student whose overall GPA drops below a 3.0 in any given semester is automatically placed on academic probation the following semester. Within the following nine semester credit hours, the overall GPA must return to 3.0 or the student will be dismissed from the program. If a student’s overall GPA drops below 3.0 resulting in being placed on academic probation a second time, the student will be automatically dismissed from the program.

  • If a student earns more than 2 Cs, regardless of the overall GPA, the student will be dismissed from the program.
  • If a student earns a third C in the final semester, the student will not meet the requirements for graduation from School of Social Work.
  • A student who earns an F in any course is automatically dismissed from the graduate program.
  • Any student dismissed from the program will not be eligible for re-admission to the program.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 24 Hours

SOCW 6315Social Work with Diverse Populations


SOCW 6330Advanced Family Practice I


SOCW 6331Advanced Family Practice II


SOCW 6332Social Work Practice with Latinos


SOCW 6335Advanced Clinical Assessment


SOCW 6342Advanced Policy Analysis and Development


SOCW 6350Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals


SOCW 6351Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups


Electives - 3 Hours

Choose one from the following:

SOCW 6336Advanced Macro Assessment


SOCW 6340Advanced Social Work Practice with Organizations


SOCW 6341Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities


SOCW 6390Working with the Involuntary Client


SOCW 6391Community Based Participatory Research


SOCW 6392Social Work Ethics and Values


SOCW 6361Domestic Violence in Society


SOCW 6362Substance Use and the Family


SOCW 6395The Natural Environment and Human Well-Being


SOCW 6396Gerontological Social Work


SOCW 6397Spirituality and Social Work


SOCW 6398Social Work in Healthcare


SOCW 6399Special Topics in Social Work Practice


Capstone - 6 Hours

SOCW 6376Clinical Practicum I


SOCW 6377Clinical Practicum II


Total Credit Hours: 33