Pre-Clerkship Years - First and Second Year Curriculum

The foundational 21-month first-and second-year pre-clerkship curriculum allows students to spend most of their time developing critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. DPM students will also complete podiatric medicine surgery and biomechanics (PMSB) coursework in the first and second years of the program. In the clinical curriculum during the third and fourth years, supervised, clinical training affords progressive experiences in the development of technical and procedural skills through the completion of the PMSB curriculum requirements.

Programmatic Goals and Outcomes:

1. To prepare each student for the successful completion of National Boards Part One and Two.
2. To prepare each student for the successful completion of the USMLE exam.
3. To develop knowledge, cognitive, and psychomotor skills.
4. To develop a physician who will provide competent and comprehensive health care.
5. To develop an individual who will be prepared for entry-level podiatric residency training.
6. To stimulate research and scholarship.
7. To develop interprofessional and interpersonal communication skills and relationships.
8. To enhance awareness and understanding of common societal issues and social determinants of health.