The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Transfer of Undergraduate Credits

Transfer of regular academic credit to or recognition of degrees from another institution by The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley involves at least three considerations: 

  1. The educational quality of the institution from which the student transfers. 
  2. The comparability of the nature, content and level of credit earned to that offered by UTRGV.  
  3. The appropriateness and applicability of credit earned to the programs offered by UTRGV, in light of the student’s educational goals. 

Course Transferability

Academic courses that are comparable in content to those offered at UTRGV are transferable. There will be exceptions to this rule in the case of the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) and the Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) degrees.


Transfer courses with passing grades are applicable toward the student’s degree at UTRGV. The exception to this rule is when the general education requirements or degree requirements require a higher grade, which would apply equally whether the course was completed at UTRGV or a transferring institution.


Transfer admission applicants with foreign educational coursework must have their transcripts evaluated by one of the approved agencies. See Evaluation of Foreign Credentials and English Language Proficiency in the International Undergraduate Student Admission for more details.  

Transfer Credit Guidelines

The grading policies of The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will be applied to all coursework transferring from other institutions. Some special circumstances regarding the transfer or non-transfer of credit to The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley are listed as follows: 

  1. Bible Coursework:  Exegetical or doctrinal courses in religion are not transferable. Courses in Bible of a historical or literary nature (but non-doctrinal) are transferable up to a maximum of 12 credit hours of lower-division credit. 
  2. Incomplete Grades:  Incomplete grades are kept as incomplete until a letter grade has been posted by the transferring institution. 
  3. Life Experience:  Normally, no credit will be awarded for life experience. Exception to this rule may include those cases where the credit has been validated either by another regionally accredited institution of higher education, or by a test administered by an academic department and approved by the Office of the Provost. 
  4. Remedial Courses:  Courses such as remedial or developmental reading and math, speed reading, remedial science and orientation are not transferable for credit. 
  5. Terminal Courses:  Terminal courses offered at many junior colleges are not offered for the purpose of transfer to senior colleges and usually are clearly labeled in the college catalog as being non-transferable. Examples of terminal courses are auto mechanics, machine shop, electricity, data processing and welding.  
  6. Vocational/Technical Courses: Coursework typically described as vocational or technical are not designed for transfer into university curricula even when courses have been taken at a community college as part of a certificate program or an Associate of Applied Science degree. In Texas, such courses are organized in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM). UTRGV generally does not accept WECM or similar courses for transfer. Exceptions are only considered when content is substantially like subjects/courses offered at UTRGV as demonstrated by a review of the course description and learning outcomes. Exceptions are approved as part of standard curriculum approval processes at UTRGV. When the curriculum review/approval process determines that individual WECM courses are substantially like subjects/courses offered through UTRGV, the credit for each course transfers as a generic lower-division course in the appropriate department. 
  7. Second Undergraduate Degrees: Refer to the Multiple Degrees section of the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.

Dispute for Lower Division Courses

The following policy was developed for students transferring to The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley from other Texas public institutions: 

  1. The transfer of curricula shall be as prescribed by the current issue of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s guide to Transfer Curricula and Transfer of Credit. Current guidelines can be reviewed at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
  2. The following procedures shall be followed by public institutions of higher education in the resolution of transfer disputes involving lower division courses: 
    1. If an institution of higher education does not accept a course credit earned by a student at another Texas public institution of higher education, that institution shall give written notice to the student and the other institution that the transfer of the course credit is denied. 
    2. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Coordinating Board rules and/or guidelines.
    3. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the institution at which the credit was earned within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of the denial, the institution that denies the transfer of the course credit shall notify the commissioner of higher education of its denial and the reason for the denial. 
  3. The commissioner or the commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions.
  4. All Texas public institutions of higher education shall furnish data to the Coordinating Board on reported transfer disputes as the board may require in accordance with its statutory responsibilities under Section 61.826(e) of the Texas Education Code