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The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Undergraduate Catalog
/ ENGL - English
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Glossary of Terms
ACCT - Accounting
ADST-Addiction Studies
ALAW - Applied Law
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARTS - Arts
ASLI - American Sign Language
ASTR - Astronomy
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BMED - Biomedical Science
CESL - Community Engagement Scholarship and Learning
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIVE - Civil Engineering
CLSC - Clinical Laboratory Science
COMD - Communication Disorders
COMM - Communications
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
CYBI - Cyberspace & Informatics
DANC - Dance
DMEI - Defense Manufacturing Engineering
ECEC - Early Care & Early Childhood
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDBE - Education Bilingual Education
EDCI - EdC and IElem and Sec
EDFR - Educational Foundations Research
EDSL - English as Second Language
EDTC - Educational Technology
EDUC - Education
EECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEMS - Earth, Environment & Marine Science
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENGT - Engineering Technology
ENST - Environmental Studies
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ENVR - Environmental Sciences
EPSY - Educational Psychology
EXAR - Expressive Arts
FILM - Film Studies
FINA - Finance
FORL - Foreign Language
FREN - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
GSST - Global Security Studies
GWSP - Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies
HDOS- Human Dimensions of Organizations
HIST - History
HLTH - Health
HONR - Honors Studies
HOST - Hospitality & Tourism
HPRS - Health Professions
HRPT - Health Related Programs
HSIN-Health Science Informatics
INDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INFS - Information Systems
INTB - International Business
ITAL - Italian
KINE - Kinesiology
KORN - Korean
LDST - Leadership Studies
MANE - Manufacturing Engineering
MARK - Marketing
MARS - Marine Science
MASC - Mexican American Studies
MATE - Mathematics Education
MATH - Math
MECE - Mechanical Engineering
MEDH - Medical Humanities
MGMT - Management
MLDS - Multidisciplinary Studies
MUAP - Music Applied
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PAFF - Public Affairs
PHCE - Public Heritage and Community Engagement
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSCI - Physical Science
PSYC - Psychology
QUMT - Quantitative Methods
READ - Reading
REHS - Rehabilitative Services
RELS - Religious Studies
ROTC - Military Science
SAFS - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
STAT - Statistics
TECT - Technology Training
THTF - Theatre
TRSP - Spanish Translation
UNIV - University College
UTCH - UTeach
WRLS - Writing and Language Studies
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ENGL - English
ENGL 101
Introduction to College Reading and Writing
ENGL 1301
Rhetoric and Composition I
ENGL 1302
Rhetoric And Composition II
ENGL 1305
Writing Cultural Studies
ENGL 2312
History of Film as Visual Art
ENGL 2315
Humans and Language
ENGL 2316
Poetry Appreciation
ENGL 2321
Introduction to British Literature
ENGL 2326
Introduction to American Literature
ENGL 2331
Introduction to World Literature
ENGL 2341
Introduction to Literature
ENGL 2351
Introduction to Mexican American Literature
ENGL 301
Reading/Writing Studio
ENGL 3300
Introduction to English Studies
ENGL 3301
Survey of British Literature I
ENGL 3302
Survey of British Literature II
ENGL 3303
Survey of American Literature I
ENGL 3304
Survey of American Literature II
ENGL 3305
Survey of World Literature
ENGL 3306
Survey of Literary Theory
ENGL 3307
Introduction to Film Studies
ENGL 3308
Literature and Film Adaptation
ENGL 3309
Introduction to Cultural Studies
ENGL 3310
Medieval Literature
ENGL 3311
English Renaissance Literature
ENGL 3312
The Eighteenth Century
ENGL 3313
The Romantic Period
ENGL 3314
The Victorian Period
ENGL 3315
The English Novel to 1850
ENGL 3316
The English Novel from 1850 to Present
ENGL 3320
Development of the American Novel
ENGL 3321
19th-Century American Literature
ENGL 3322
ENGL 3325
Literature of the Americas
ENGL 3326
Modern Poetry
ENGL 3328
The Short Story and the Novella
ENGL 3329
Science Fiction
ENGL 3334
Ethnic Women Writers
ENGL 3335
Women's Literature
ENGL 3337
Children's and Adolescent Literature
ENGL 3340
Survey Rhetorical Theory
ENGL 3341
Alternative Rhetorics
ENGL 3342
Technical Communication
ENGL 3343
Business Communication
ENGL 3344
Advanced Composition
ENGL 3345
Studies in Literacy
ENGL 3346
Writing and Culture
ENGL 3347
Women's Rhetoric and Language
ENGL 3348
Writing for Professional Organizations
ENGL 3350
ENGL 3351
Creative Writing I
ENGL 3352
Creative Non-Fiction
ENGL 3353
Creative Writing: Cross-Genre Writing
ENGL 3360
Introduction to Language Studies
ENGL 3361
Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics
ENGL 3362
English Grammar
ENGL 3370
Language and Culture
ENGL 3371
Community Language Project
ENGL 3375
Introduction to English as a Second Language
ENGL 3377
Methods and Assessments for English Language Learners
ENGL 4300
Advanced Topics in Literature and Cultural Studies
ENGL 4302
Postcolonial Literature and Theory
ENGL 4307
Topics in Film Theory
ENGL 4308
Topics in International Film
ENGL 4309
Special Topics in Film
ENGL 4310
ENGL 4311
ENGL 4312
ENGL 4313
Topics in Single Author
ENGL 4314
Advanced Topics in Contemporary Poetry
ENGL 4315
Advanced Topics in World Literature
ENGL 4316
Beat Generation
ENGL 4317
Mexican American Literature
ENGL 4318
South Texas Literature
ENGL 4320
Literature and Psychoanalysis
ENGL 4321
The Classics in Translation
ENGL 4338
Teaching Secondary School Literature
ENGL 4340
Advanced Specialization in Rhetoric, Composition & Literacy Studies
ENGL 4342
Assessing and Responding to Writing
ENGL 4343
Composition Theory and Pedagogy
ENGL 4344
Writing for Lawyers
ENGL 4350
Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 4351
Advanced Creative Writing: Workshop in Playwriting
ENGL 4352
Advanced Creative Writing: Workshop in Fiction
ENGL 4353
Forms and Techniques in Creative Writing
ENGL 4354
Advanced Creative Writing: Graphic Literature
ENGL 4355
Advanced Creative Writing: Screenwriting
ENGL 4356
Advanced Creative Writing: Children's Literature
ENGL 4357
Advanced Creative Writing: Creative Writing and Social Action
ENGL 4358
Advanced Creative Writing: Writing for Performance
ENGL 4359
Special Topics in Creative Writing
ENGL 4360
Fundamentals of Language Development
ENGL 4361
Modern English Syntax
ENGL 4362
Contrastive Grammar
ENGL 4365
History of the English Language
ENGL 4370
Introduction to Border Language
ENGL 4375
Language Acquisition
ENGL 4377
Practical Experience in Secondary ESL
ENGL 4385
Topics in Border Studies
ENGL 4390
Senior English Capstone
ENGL 4395
Advanced Topics in English
ENGL 4399
Independent Study