The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

MECE 6333 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

This course covers the essentials of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in mechanical engineering. Topics include: Principles of dynamics, principle of virtual work, Hamilton principle, Lagrange equations, continuous systems applications. Nonlinear models and nonlinear phenomena. One-degree-of-freedom systems, qualitative analysis, equilibrium, stability, limit cycles, bifurcation, chaos, strange attractors and fractals; quantitative analysis, approximate asymptotic techniques; conservative systems, nonconservative systems, forced systems, subharmonic and superharmonic resonances, parametrically excited systems. Finite-degree-of-freedom systems, free oscillations of gyroscopic systems, forced oscillations of quadratic or cubic nonlinear systems, parametrically excited systems. Nonlinear continuous systems, beams, strings, plates. Experimental nonlinear dynamics and chaotic vibrations. Utilization of MATLAB in mechanical engineering applications related to nonlinear dynamics and chaos.




Graduate standing in engineering.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Mechanical Engineering


As scheduled