The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

PHAS 5327 Patient Encounter II

This course is the second in a two-course series. It extends students' basic knowledge of history-taking and physical examination to more complex levels of understanding and application. Emphasis is placed on special populations and the abnormal patient with patient-centered and systematic frameworks. Patient education is introduced as an important part of health literacy and patient empowerment. Implications of culture, religion, adversity, and difficult situations on both subjective and objective data collection from the patient are discussed. Students continue to develop more advanced levels of clinical reasoning by applying concepts to real patients in clinical assignments followed by documenting, presenting, and practicing clinical decision-making in an apprentice format. The laboratory setting employs clinical scenarios, case studies, simulated patients, and role-play situations as opportunities to practice the application of skills and techniques. Students are assessed using written, verbal, and practical exercises. This course is a continuation of PHAS 5326, Patient Encounter I.




Admission into the Physician Assistant Studies Program.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Physician Assistant

