SOPM Policy on Student Ability to Challenge the Record

For all required modules and courses at UTRGV SOPM, students have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to review their performance with their instructor on a regular basis. In all required clerkships, students will undergo a mandatory review of performance prior to the midpoint. If a disagreement regarding performance occurs in any module or clerkship, the student will be encouraged to meet face to face with the module or clerkship director or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to seek a resolution.

Students have the right to review and challenge their educational record.

The process for reviewing and challenging a student's educational record is as follows:

• The student will file a written request with the Assistant Registrar for SOPM to access the educational record

• The student will provide to the Assistant Registrar for SOPM copies of all available evidence relating to the data or material being challenged

• The Assistant Registrar for SOPM shall consider the request and shall notify the student in writing within fifteen (15) school days whether the request will be granted or denied. During that time, any challenge may be settled informally between the student and the faculty, in consultation with other appropriate SOPM officials.

• If an agreement is reached, it shall be in writing and signed by all parties involved. A copy of such agreement shall be maintained in the student’s educational record.

• If an agreement is not reached informally, or, if the request for amendment is denied, then the student shall be informed in writing of the denial and the right to appeal on the matter through the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

A student whose request for amendment to education records has not been settled or has been denied may file an appeal within five (5) days of the receipt of the letter of denial. The request shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The request shall set forth the legal and factual basis for seeking correction of the student’s educational record.

Upon receipt, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs shall consider the appeal and respond within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of the request for an appeal. If the appeal is denied, then the student shall be informed in writing of the denial. The decision of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is final.

For all required modules and courses at UTRGV SOPM, students have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to review their performance with their instructor on a regular basis. In all required clerkships, students will undergo a mandatory review of performance prior to the midpoint. If a disagreement regarding performance occurs in any module or clerkship, the student will be encouraged to meet face to face with the module or clerkship director or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to seek a resolution.

Student Right to Access to Educational Records

The UTRGV has policies and processes that adequately protects the confidentiality of student records; provides students with access to their records in a timely manner; and provides fair and effective mechanisms for students to challenge information in their student records.