Academic Responsibilities and Appeal


Students are expected to inform themselves thoroughly concerning the regulations of the university and the course requirements for degrees, and to make inquiries in case of doubt.

Regulations will not be waived, nor exceptions to requirements made, on a plea of ignorance of the regulations and requirements. Students, therefore, should become familiar with all of the information related to the program contained in the University Catalog, on the university website, and in other official publications.


Each student, by registering, enters an academic college of the university and is under its jurisdiction with regard to the student’s program of study and degree requirements. For questions regarding waivers to course requirements and options, deficiencies, degree plan and special regulations, students should work directly with the person in their major who is assigned the responsibility of supervising their programs or seek assistance from the Academic Advising Center (undergraduate students only). Requests to waive regulations and/or requirements should be directed in writing to the Dean of the college.


Students wishing to appeal final course grades or decisions regarding academic standards should first discuss the matter with the instructor of the class. If no resolution occurs, and the student wishes to pursue the matter further, the student may appeal in writing to the appropriate department chair/director within one long semester, or Summer III long semester, after the disputed grade or decision is issued. The department chair/director will respond in writing to the student within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the receipt of the student’s written appeal.

Pursuant appeals will be written and directed within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the date of the department chair/director’s decision to the school, college, or division. Upon receipt of the written appeal of the department chair/director’s decision, the Dean will appoint a College Academic Appeals Committee. The committee will consist of a panel of three faculty members, two of whom may not be from the department in which the appeal originated. The Dean will notify the student in writing of the date, time and location of the hearing and the names of the members of the panel to take place no less than 14 calendar days of the receipt of the student’s appeal. The student and the faculty member involved may appear in person before the panel and present evidence. The hearing will be closed to the public, and no person other than the student, the faculty member involved and panel members may be present. No person may represent the student or the faculty member except in the event that the instructor is unavailable for an extended period of time (such as due to death, serious illness, or termination of employment with UTRGV). In those cases, the faculty member may be represented by the appropriate department chair.

After the College Academic Appeals Committee has heard the appeal, it will deliberate and come to a decision. The committee’s decision will be written, mailed, emailed, or delivered in person, to the student and faculty member within three business days of the close of the hearing. The student may appeal in writing within 14 calendar days to the Dean/director (excluding holidays). The Dean’s/director’s decision will be final, and it must be mailed, emailed, or delivered in person to the student within 14 calendar days (excluding holidays) of the receipt of the student’s written appeal.

Students who may wish to complain or grieve a class that is in progress should utilize the complaint and grievance process outlined in STU 02-200.

Note that a transcript notation that the student dropped or withdrew from a course is not subject to academic appeal through this process. That notation is an indication of enrollment status, not academic performance. Students believing that such a notation is incorrect who may contact the Office of the University Registrar to request a review at



The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley endeavors to provide fair and objective procedures for hearing student complaints. Students are protected from coercion, intimidation, interference, harassment, retaliation, or discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation.

Student Advisement for Concerns/Complaints
University policies and procedures direct students about how to file a complaint. The applicable policy will depend on the nature of the complaint. If a student has questions about the applicable policy, the Office for Student Rights and Responsibilities, located in the University Center, Rm. 315, on the Edinburg Campus and in the Student Unition Rm 1.20 on the Brownsville Campus, can assist a student who has questions regarding existing policies and procedures. Methods to file complaints are outlined more fully in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.

UTRGV Complaint Process
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC § 1.110-1.120) require The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley to provide a student complaint procedure that complies with the U.S. Department of Education’s “Program Integrity” regulations as part of UTRGV’s eligibility for Title IV federal funds. The THECB complaint process may be found here.

Students wishing to file a formal complaint under the THECB process must ensure they have first brought their complaint to UTRGV’s attention through UTRGV’s complaint processes. Students may submit complaints through Vaqueros Report It. If the matter is unresolved after exhausting UTRGV’s complaint processes, the student may then file a formal complaint with THECB.

Students making a complaint to the THECB may submit required forms and supporting documentation in PDF format by email to, or by regular mail to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711-2788. Original documents should not be submitted, as the THECB cannot return documents received.

Accreditation-related complaints regarding UTRGV’s accreditation may be made to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) under its complaint procedures. A complainant should complete SACSCOC’s Complaint Form and send two signed copies to the President, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097. The details of the SACSCOC complaint process explain that it is intended to address significant, documented, alleged non-compliance with SACSCOC accreditation standards, policies, or procedures. Complainants are expected to have attempted to resolve the issue through UTRGV’s complaint processes before filing a complaint with SACSCOC.