Title IX Compliance

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is committed to maintaining a learning and work environment that is free of discrimination and sexual misconduct in compliance with federal and state regulations, which includes Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX).

Title IX legislation prohibits institutions from denying equal access to educational programs or activities on the basis of sex. Title IX protects students, and others, from sex discrimination in the form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. 


Sexual misconduct is prohibited not only by federal and state law but also by UTRGV and UT System policies.  UTRGV’s Notice of Non-Discrimination identifies University, state, and federal reporting options available to you.

Reporting at UTRGV

Most UTRGV employees are mandated reporters who must inform the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator whenever they receive a report of sexual misconduct. However, some employees are classified as Confidential Employees such as advocates with OAVP, counselors, health care providers, some researchers conducting IRB approved research studies adressing sexual misconduct involving student participants, and employees serving as ADM 03-300 advisors for student respondents or student complainants.  

The Title IX Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinators can identify wellness and safety planning resources that are available to you, can offer supportive measures, can answer questions about the grievance procedures of ADM 03-300, and can provide you with information about available sexual misconduct prevention programming.

Inquiries regarding Title IX should be referred to the University's designated Title IX Coordinator(s): 

Name: Florence Nocar

Position Title: Chief Equal Opportunity & Title IX Officer,

Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity (OTIXEO)

Location: ESSBL 3nd Floor - Edinburg

Phone number: 956-665-2103

Email: otixeo@utrgv.edu  

Name: Molly Castner

Position Title: Deputy Director of Athletics & Senior Woman Admisistrator (SWA) Athletics

Location: EHPEI 1.102 - Edinburg

Phone Number: 956-665-2205

Email: Molly.Castner@utrgv.edu

Name: Debra Torres

Position Title: HR Business Partner Human Resources

Location: EMASS 2.144 - Edinburg

Phone Number: 956-665-3815

Email: Debra.Torres@utrgv.edu

Name: Melba Latu

Position Title: Director, Student Rights & Responsibilities

Location: Student Union 1.20 - Brownsville

Phone Number: 956-882-5140

Email: Melba.Latu@utrgv.edu

Name: Maurice Clifton

Position Title: Associate Dean for Student

Affairs, SOM Student Affairs

Location: EMEBL 1.129A - Edinburg

Phone Number: 956-296-141

Email: Maurice.Clifton@utrgv.edu

The Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity (OTIXEO) is the office that receives and addresses reports of discrimination and sexual misconduct from an administrative policy perspective. The reports received by OTIXEO are reviewed pursuant to either ADM 03-100, the non-discrimination and complaint procedure policy, or ADM 03-300, the sexual misconduct policy.

Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity (OTIXEO) Reporting

Online: Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity (OTIXEO) Report It Form

Email: otixeo@utrgv.edu  

Letter: Attn: Title IX Coordinator Florence Nocar UTRGV

Office of Title IX & Equal Opportunity

ESSBL 3.101

1201 W. University Drive,

Edinburg, Texas 78539 

Applicable Policy

When someone makes a sexual misconduct report to OTIXEO the Sexual Misconduct Policy applies. This policy details the grievance procedures, rights of participants, such as the right to an advisor for each party, identifies possible sanctions involved in formal investigations and describes informal resolution processes. If you have questions about this policy, please contact OTIXEO at otixeo@utrgv.edu.

You can also make a report to University Police.  University Police address reports of sexual misconduct from a law enforcement perspective. University Police also offers police escort services and a dedicated Victim Services Specialist is on staff. Victims of violence are not required to file criminal charges or seek judicial action and may elect to use a pseudonym when making a police report. If you wish, the Title IX Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator can help you contact University Police if you wish to make a police report.

Call 911 if you are reporting a situation that poses an immediate risk of harm to self or others as most emergencies require urgent intervention. If you have protective or restraining orders relevant to a UTRGV report of sexual misconduct, we also encourage you to provide a copy to University Police.

Law Enforcement Reporting

  • Call 911 (if an emergency)
  • University Police: (956) 882-4911 (emergency line)
  • University Police: (956) 882-7777 (information line) 

See this graphic for information on reporting options. 


UTRGV has available for you a myriad of wellness and safety planning resources for those of you who have experienced violence victimization, such as the Office of Advocacy & Violence Prevention a free confidential office that has trained advocates available for you.   For a comprehensive list of local, state and federal resources please visit the OTIXEO website and the OAVP website.

View this video for information on resources available.


If you have been sexually assaulted, Safe H.A.V.E.N at Doctor’s Hospital Renaissance and Valley Baptist Medical Center have dedicated SAFE nurses (SAFE = Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner), 24/7. Compassionate medical professionals conduct the sexual assault exams in private dedicated locations. Agreeing to a sexual assault exam does not obligate a survivor to proceed with prosecution.  These exams are stored for two years should a survivor wish to proceed with prosecution later in time. University Police and OAVP advocates can assist with transport for the exam. The hospital will not charge a victim or survivor for the cost of the sexual assault exam.