ARTS 2316 Painting I

ARTS 2316, Painting I, will provide each student with specific painting media experience extended from his or her knowledge of two-dimensional design and drawing, technical approach to materials and application of relevant principals of design. Students will be introduced to basic skills sets relevant to the discipline of painting. Various key course concepts will include, but are not limited to, the application of value, shape, form and the implementation of basic color relationships as applied to the discipline of painting. The application of relevant design principals as applied to representational painting, various techniques of paint application and relevant studio practices may also be covered in the course. Students will also be introduced to the preparation of painting supports. Painting materials utilized will be oil based paints and can also include water based paints such as acrylics and/or watercolor.



Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)


ARTS 2316

Administrative Unit

School of Art and Design

