The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

ASLI 1320 American Sign Language II

This course is a continuation of Beginning Sign Language (ASLI 1310 or COMD 1310). It emphasizes the expansion and refinement of the fundamental comprehension and production skills covered in Beginning Sign Language, with the acquisition of additional functional grammatical structure and targeted lexical items. Spontaneous, interactive use of American Sign Language is stressed through discussion of the deaf community and other activities being held by the deaf community. The students will continue to study information related to the everyday life experiences of deaf Americans and deaf people everywhere in the world. ASHA Standards III C, D.




Grade of "C" or better in ASLI 1310 or COMD 1310 or departmental approval.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)


SGNL 1302

Administrative Unit

Department of Communication Disorders

