The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Honors College

Welcome to the UTRGV Honors College!

Are you a high-achieving student? Do you enjoy small classes and interacting with your classmates and instructors? Are you (or do you want to be) a well-rounded person? Do you want to be a campus and community leader?

Then the UTRGV Honors College is for you!

Students in the UTRGV Honors College follow our basic honors curriculum, the Rafael and Carmen Guerra Honors Program, which includes specialized tracks for pre-medical and pre-law students, and for students in the College of Business and Entrepreneurship.

The Basic Honors Curriculum consists of:

  • 9 credits of lower-division honors courses - Choose from Honors Humanities sequence (HONR 2387 Honors Humanities I; HONR 2388 Honors Humanities II), or honors sections of undergraduate core courses.
  • 3 credits of honors practicum (HONR 3380)– A required departmental internship or experiential-learning activity may be substituted with the addition of an honors component.
  • 9 credits of upper-division honors courses – Typically these will be upper-division courses within the student’s major, although honors study abroad may also count.
  • Students also have the option of doing an honors thesis, which includes a total of 4 credits (HONR 3187 for 1 credit and HONR 4387 for 3 credits). A required departmental capstone experience may be substituted with the addition of an honors component.
  • Students who are core-complete or nearly so when admitted to the Honors College must take the Honors Humanities sequence, and substitute an additional upper-division honors-by-contract course for the remaining three required lower-division honors credits.
  • The Honors College offers specialized tracks for pre-medical and pre-law students. See the Honors College web site for details.