EAA014 Professionalism: Student Participation in Evaluation of Educational Experience and Learning Environment

Policy Number: EAA014
Policy Title: Professionalism: Student Participation in Evaluation of Educational Experience and Learning Environment

A. Purpose

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) School of Medicine (SOM) is committed to excellence in education and to providing students with a comprehensive medical education that will enable their development as knowledgeable, skilled, and altruistic physicians. To meet this commitment and to adhere to LCME standards, the UTRGV SOM must provide clear guidelines for students regarding their professional conduct in educational and clinical activities and as representatives of future practicing physicians.

B. Persons Affected

This policy will cover the students participating in the UTRGV SOM curriculum.

C. Authority and Responsibilities

The UTRGV SOM is required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) to provide students with the opportunity to evaluate their educational experience and learning environment. (See LCME Standard in Appendix A). The Central Curricular Authority Committee (CCAC), the central authority responsible for the overall design, management, and evaluation of the curriculum through appropriate subcommittees, monitors, and evaluates the effectiveness of the medical curriculum. The Office of Student Affairs (OSA), which provides academic advising, mentoring, tutoring, financial aid, counseling, and health and wellness support services as required by the LCME, must also provide a mechanism for students to evaluate the quality of these services.

D. Policy Overview

This policy outlines students' Professional Conduct regarding Evaluation for UTRGV SOM.

E. Implementation Date

This policy is effective with the UTRGV SOM inaugural class, the Class of 2020, and will remain in effect for future classes unless otherwise amended.

F. Policy

UTRGV SOM students are required to participate in all evaluation activities regarding their educational experience and learning environment. Active student participation in the evaluation process is one of the most important methods the School of Medicine has to assure that all aspects of its educational programs are of the highest quality. Active participation in the process of evaluating their educational experiences and their learning environment (orientation, modules, clerkships, faculty, student services, etc.) prepares medical students to fulfill similar duties that they will encounter as interns, residents, and practicing physicians. Interns and residents will be asked to evaluate attendings, and physicians are often asked to evaluate other staff and continuing education programs. Active participation in evaluation of educational experiences and the learning environment is one of the rights and responsibilities that keeps the medical profession strong and is an important part of being a medical professional.

G. Process

1. Evaluation of the Curriculum and Learning Environment

  • The Office of Accreditation, Assessment, Evaluation, and Quality improvement has oversight for the evaluation of the curriculum and the student learning experience and will monitor and track student participation or non-participation in evaluation activities.
  • During the pre-clerkship years, students will receive surveys and be asked to participate in focus groups to provide feedback regarding their learning experiences, Module Co-Directors, faculty/facilitators, learning activities, learning resources and materials, and the assessment processes. In addition, at the end of each pre-clerkship year, students will be asked to complete a survey regarding their overall learning experience for the year.
  • During the clerkship years, students will receive notifications to complete evaluations of their overall clerkship experiences, and assessments of the teaching faculty, residents and interns, and evaluate their overall third year clerkship experiences and fourth year Sub-Internships, and electives.
  • Students taking electives at any time during the four years of their medical education will also be required to complete evaluation surveys.
  • Students will be notified when they are expected to participate in evaluation activities and the amount of time designated for completion.

2. Evaluation of Student Services and Student Life Experiences

  • The Associate Dean for Student Affairs has oversight for the evaluation of services provided by the Office of Student Affairs and will monitor and track student participation or non-participation in evaluation activities.
  • Students receiving services from any component of the Office of Student Affairs will be asked periodically to evaluate the services received.
  • Students will be notified of when they are expected to participate in evaluation activities and the amount of time designated for completion.

3. Compliance

It is expected that all students will see the benefit of partnering with the SOM to gather information that will ultimately improve the overall quality of the UTRGV SOM educational experience and learning environment and better prepare them for the professional roles and responsibilities that they will have as physicians. Therefore, all students are expected to comply with this policy. Exceptions may be made for legitimate reasons, e.g., family/personal emergencies, illness, etc., but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In addition, it is expected that the feedback provided by students will be constructive and professional in its demeanor and tone. Feedback that is demeaning or derogatory in nature or which is not constructive for improvement is deemed as unprofessional. Failure to participate and/or to provide constructive professional feedback will lead to the submission of a student concern note to the UTRGV SOM Professionalism Portal1. Failure to comply on more than two unexcused occasions may result in a professional review of the student by the Medical Student Evaluation and Performance Committee (MSEPC).

4. Confidentiality

The information provided by students on evaluations is considered confidential. Students may report anonymously, but we encourage student to include sufficient detail and specificity to permit thorough review and consideration of their concerns.

5. Use and Publication of Evaluation Data

The major purpose for the collection of evaluation data is to improve the quality of the UTRGV SOM student medical education experience and learning environment. To that end, evaluation data will be used solely for that purpose. Student responses will be confidential (de-identified) and will be reported only in aggregate (no individual responses will be shared with anyone, including Module Leads, faculty/facilitators, preceptors, attendings, residents and/or interns, faculty advisors/mentors). The UTRGV SOM will provide reports to students regarding how their feedback has been used and/or resulted in changes in the curriculum, educational policies and procedures, student services, student life, and the overall learning environment.

H. Relevant Federal/State Statutes, Board Regents, and/or Coordinating Board Rules

FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99

UT System Board of Regents Rule 50702: Confidentiality and Security of Education Records Subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Appendix A - Applicable LCME Standard

Standard 8.5: Medical Student Feedback

In evaluating medical education program quality, a medical school has formal processes in place to collect and consider medical student evaluations of their courses, clerkships, and teachers, and other relevant information.

Dates Reviewed or Amended

Approved by the Central Curricular Authority Committee (CCAC) on June 8, 2016.

Reviewed, amended, and approved by the Central Curricular Authority Committee (CCAC) on September 27, 2017; May 25, 2022

Approved by the Dean/Chief Academic Officer on December 21, 2017.