The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Medical Spanish, Minor

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley offers the nation’s only full program in Medical Spanish for Heritage Learners. Language barriers significantly compromise the quality of healthcare for limited English proficient patients. Recent studies have shown that Spanish-speaking patients have disease, mortality, and pain burdens at least twice as high as English-speaking patients. These facts make language a crucial concern for the improvement of health among Latinos in the U.S. The Medical Spanish program aims to develop critical skill sets that future healthcare providers can use to improve communication with Spanish-speaking patients.

Additionally, the curriculum is designed to raise awareness about language issues that intersect with access to healthcare among Spanish-speaking patients in the U.S. Students in the program participate in a service-learning internship at a local community health center that serves primarily uninsured and limited English proficient patients. These activities are intended to prepare students for the National Board Certification Examination for Medical Interpreters. The program meets the Training Program Standards issued by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care in 2011.

Note: For a PDF version of the degree requirements for this program go to the Undergraduate Programs page on the UTRGV website. 


Minor Requirements – 19 Hours (7 advanced)

Medical Spanish – 19 hours (7 advanced)

Choose one:

SPAN 2311Intermediate Spanish I for Non-Native Speakers


SPAN 2313Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II


Choose one:

SPAN 2312Intermediate Spanish II


SPAN 2315Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III



SPAN 2317Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I


SPAN 2318Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II


SPAN 4119/TRSP 4119Spanish Internship


Choose one:

TRSP 3348/SPAN 3348Advanced Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II


Choose one:

TRSP 4348/SPAN 4348/MASC 4348Sociolinguistics and Latino Health