Spanish (Teacher Certification), Bachelor of Arts
(Focus: EC – 12TH Grade Teacher Certification)
This program leads to a profession which requires an occupational license as defined under Texas Occupations Code 58.001 This requires that all applicants seeking to become licensed must undergo a criminal background check prior to licensure. Students in this program should check with the College of Education and P-16 Integration on the requirements for a criminal background check prior to student teaching.
Globalization and the Internet Revolution have intensified contact among cultures, and hence an education in multiple languages and technology is an absolute imperative in the new millennium. Pursuing a B.A. in Spanish with Teacher Certification not only insures bilingual and bicultural competencies, but also fosters critical and creative thinking skills through the study of literature, linguistics, curriculum, pedagogy, cognition, Culture, and cultures. Our program promotes these skills by introducing students to philosophical issues examined in literature and art; to writing and analytical skills; to professional teaching skills; and to the rich cultural complexities of languages, peoples, and nations across the globe. In addition to Education (public and private K-12 schools, student exchange programs, corporate programs for foreign transfers), a student with a BA degree in Spanish Education may consider work in the following areas: government (armed forces, Department of Justice, US Citizenship and Immigration Service), non-profit organizations (civic organizations, international exchange programs, social work and social services), commerce (customer service, translation and interpretation, research, marketing firms), travel and tourism (airlines and airports, travel agencies, convention centers), arts media & entertainment (advertising, foreign news agencies, museums) or public service (civil service, international service organizations, social and rehab services).
Note: For a PDF version of the degree requirements for this program go to the Undergraduate Programs page on the UTRGV website.
Core Curriculum Requirements – 42 Hours
Students must fulfill the Core Curriculum requirements.
Major Requirements – 42 Hours (36 advanced)
Spanish Core – 12 hours (6 advanced)
SPAN 2313 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II | 3 |
SPAN 2315 | Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III | 3 |
SPAN 3300 | Advanced Spanish Grammar & Composition I | 3 |
SPAN 3301 | Advanced Spanish Grammar & Composition II | 3 |
Literature – 12 hours (12 advanced)
Linguistics – 9 hours (9 advanced)
Choose one:
Support Courses – 9 hours (9 advanced)
Teacher Certification – 27 Hours (24 advanced)
Area of Certification: Spanish (EC-12)
EDFR 2301 | Intercultural Context of Schooling | 3 |
EDUC 3301 | The Teaching Profession and Student Learning in Contemporary Schools | 3 |
EDUC 3302 | Knowledge of Student Development and Learning | 3 |
EDUC 3304 | Instructional Planning and Assessment in Culturally Sustaining Classrooms | 3 |
EDUC 3306 | Evidence-Based Teaching in Positive Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC 4306 | Implementing and Assessing Effective Secondary Content Pedagogy | 3 |
READ 4305 | Disciplinary Literacy in Content Area Classrooms | 3 |
EDUC 4611 | Student Teaching Secondary or All-Level | 6 |
Free Electives – 9 Hours
Choose 9 hours of free electives.
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 60
Total Credit Hours: 120
Admission, Progression, and Graduation Requirements, if applicable:
Progression Requirements
For teacher certification, students must apply for admission and be accepted to the College of Education and P-16 Integration prior to enrolling in teacher certification courses, except for EDFR 2301 which is open to all students. Students unable to be admitted to EDUC 4611 will be required to substitute for 6 advanced hours, as recommended by advisor.
Graduation Requirements
Students must pass the TExES LOTE Spanish Exam (TEA), and pass the TExES PPR exam (TEA).