CMPE 1378 Engineering Computer Science I (Honors)
An introduction to computer science and computer engineering. The fundamentals of a high-level programming language will be introduced. Methods of problem solving, techniques of algorithmic development and concepts of procedural and object-oriented programming will be emphasized. Societal and social issues related to computer science/engineering will be introduced. Equivalent course: CSCI 1378. Will replace a grade received in CSCI 1380. Cannot receive credit for both CSCI 1380 and CMPE 1378.
Grade of 'C' or better in any of the following:
MATH 1314,
MATH 1414 or placement in a higher level Math course (
MATH 2412,
MATH 2413) and admission to the honors program.
Cross-Listed Courses
CSCI 1378Offered
As scheduled