The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

ENGL 1388 Rhetoric And Composition II (Honors)

English 1388 is designed to teach students how to initiate inquiry, engage in meaningful research, and produce effective researched arguments. To do this, students will get experience with primary and secondary research methods, engage in a variety of writing projects, and create at least one major research project. The course will include a strong experiential learning component and require students to submit a final portfolio of their writing (Credit for this course may be obtained by qualified students through advanced placement or advanced standing examinations.)




Admission to Honors Program, by invitation, or with instructor approval. A grade of 'C' or better in ENG 1301 or ENGL 1387.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Writing & Language Stu


As scheduled