The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

MATE 3321 Functions and Modeling

This course focuses on enhancing students' mathematics content knowledge, with an emphasis on concepts needed to teach secondary mathematics at various levels. The course consists of four instructional units: 1) Functions, 2) Modeling, 3) Overlooked Topics and Explorations, and 4) Geometry of Complex Numbers. Specific topics of investigation include function properties and patterns, complex numbers, parametric equations, polar equations, vectors, and exponential growth and decay. Explorations involve the use of multiple representations, transformations, data analysis techniques (such as curve fitting) and interconnections among topics in algebra, analytic geometry, statistics, trigonometry, and calculus. The lab investigations include use of various technologies including computers, calculators, and computer graphing software.




MATH 2413 (or MATH 2487) and UTCH 1102, each with a grade of 'C' or better.

Cross-Listed Courses

BIOL 3330 PHYS 3330

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

School of Mathematical & Stat


As scheduled