The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Academic Fresh Start

For Undergraduate Programs, an applicant for admission who is a Texas resident may seek to enter this institution pursuant to the “Academic Fresh Start”  statute, Texas Education Code, Section 51.931. When the applicant informs the Office of Undergraduate Admissions in writing of the election before the application is accepted, the institution, for admissions purposes, will not consider academic course credits or grades earned by the applicant 10 or more years prior to the starting date of the semester in which the applicant seeks to enroll. An applicant who makes the election to apply under this statute may not receive any course credit for courses taken 10 or more years prior to enrollment. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions works with the Office of University Registrar to ensure Academic Fresh Start is reflected in the student academic record. 

Student’s admitted under Academic Fresh Start should speak with a U Central representative in Brownsville or Edinburg to understand aid eligibility.  For the purpose of Financial Aid, all courses taken during a student’s college or university career are counted toward Satisfactory Academic Progress.