The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CSCI 3342 Internet Programming

Introduction to web application programming. Covers the fundamentals of developing applications for web browsers, within the dominant HTTP-based client/server model. A wide range of technologies and development methodologies are covered, including database and server architectures, server-side frameworks, client-side languages/libraries, remote invocation models and web application security. Specific topics in web development change rapidly, but some examples include SQL, HTML, TLS, PHP, Java EE (servllets, JSP, etc), ASP.NET.




Grade of C or better in: [CSCI 2380 or CMPE 2380] and [CSCI 3326 or CMPE 3326 or CSCI 3327 or CMPE 3327 or CSCI 3328 or CMPE 3328 or CSCI 3329].

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Computer Science

