MEDI 9502 Clinical Skills Student Teaching Elective

The Clinical Skills Student Teaching elective is designed to provide 4th year medical students an opportunity to develop their teaching skills in preparation for both, residency (Residents as Teachers) and their future practice of lifelong teaching during patient care. During this four week elective, year 4 students will work under the direct supervision of the Clinical Skills faculty physicians and senior resident physicians as they facilitate and instruct year 1 and year 2 medical students during the clinical skills longitudinal modules. Students will learn and improve upon their instructional techniques by observing and assisting along side faculty and residents during simulated patient interview sessions, physical examination demonstrations, practice OSCE sessions, evaluating H&P and SOAP note submissions. Students will also participate in providing constructive real time feedback to student learners. Yr 4 students will be evaluated on their teaching skill and will submit a self-reflection on their view of academic medicine and Clinical Skills has been impacted. In order to participate in this elective, students must complete an online application with support from a clinical faculty or Curriculum Deans.




Student is to be in good academic standing and be promoted to MS4

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Dept of Medical Education


As sheduled


Naomi D'Acolatse